Biblioteca CEU USP
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Interlibrary Loan

Universidad San Pablo-CEU Users

All members of the University Community, as well as members of Fundación Universitaria San Pablo-CEU. Also external users with the proper authorization of the Library Director or, failing that, of those responsible for the Libraries of the Centers and the person in charge of the Service.

Any type of bibliographic material can be requested in any support, except those typified as special.

  • Photocopies of journal articles or books, always respecting the Intellectual Property Law.
  • Loan of books published after 1960.
  • Published doctoral theses or with authorization for consultation.

The documents listed below, given their special status. In any case, they can only be provided by copy whenever possible:

  • Reference works or works of the current year.
  • Complete serial publications.
  • Old, rare and precious documents.
  • Modern documents that are out of print and difficult to replace.
  • Documents that are widely consulted or of which the library has only one copy.
  • Unpublished theses and dissertations, unless they are duplicated and prior permission has been obtained from the author.
  • Atlases, slides, films, drawings, prints, and the like.
  • Other documents that, at the Library's discretion, should be specially preserved.

The PI and ADOC service tries to locate and obtain the documents. Firstly in our associated Centers, then in the rest of the Centers in Spain and then abroad.

The document request will be made through the Document Retrieval Service SOD-GTbib. You must register first and after receiving an email accepting your request you will be able to make requests, a maximum of 3 at a time.

It must be completed according to the indicated headings.

The applicant must be responsible for the proper use of them and their use will be for research and teaching purposes, in accordance with the Intellectual Property Law.

The data that identifies the requested document must be accurately recorded, in order to avoid problems, delays or failures. In cases where the bibliographic reference known to the user is problematic or confusing, it will be necessary to attach the source from which the information was obtained. In the case of requesting the original of a thesis, requests shall be accompanied by a statement in which the petitioner undertakes to respect the copyright and justifies the consultation of the original for research purposes.

Once the requested documents have been located, they are received by the PI and ADOC service, which will send them to the corresponding Library, which in turn will notify the user. Generally, the articles will be sent by e-mail directly to the interested party.

Depending on whether they are original documents or reproductions of originals, they have different availability:

  1. Original documents (interlibrary loan PI proper): these documents are on loan from other centers to the Library. If the user needs to photocopy them, he/she must do so in accordance with the Intellectual Property Law.
  2. Reproductions of original ADOC photodocumentation documents: these documents - with the exception of doctoral theses - become the property of the user. The Library may keep a copy of these documents if it considers them to be of interest to the University. If the document is a copy of a thesis, the user must have signed a copyright declaration form.

Conditions and fees vary depending on the Institutions where the requested document is located. The Library assumes the amount of money to process the reception of ADOC photodocumentation and PI interlibrary loan.

A maximum term of 2 to 3 weeks is estimated for original documents in Spain; if they come from abroad, it may take up to 4 or 5 weeks.

In case of partial documents (articles, indexes, etc.) a maximum of one week is estimated.

The duration of the loan of original documents will be the one indicated by the providing library, minimum 15 days from the moment the user is informed of the arrival of the document. The person responsible for the Service will inform the user. Failure to return works on loan will result in the suspension of the user's user status, regardless of the corresponding administrative and legal measures, in accordance with the Regulations, rules and legislation in force. The person in charge of each Center Library and of the Service will ensure, in all cases, compliance with the regulations and will take the appropriate measures for the proper functioning of the Service.

Since the Service offers the possibility of complementing the development of each Library's collections, but not replacing them, original documents that are in high demand or easy to acquire (such as, for example, last year's editions) should not be requested. Nor can more than 3 documents be requested at one time, or more than 12 in a one-month period, so as not to paralyze the service for other users.