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European Researchers' Night

What is the European Researchers' Night?

The Madrid European Researchers' Night is a project that supports the researchers' career. It is celebrated in over 350 European cities. In Madrid it is coordinated by the Fundación Madri+d. This project is funded by the European Union within the 2020 research and innovation Horizon Europe Programme, under the grant agreement number 101036010.

2023 European Researchers' Night

The Madrid 2023 European Researchers’ Night will take place on 29 and 30 September. Between 9 h and 24 h festive, recreational activities free of charge, will be carried out. Their protagonists will be both citizens and researchers. Their aim is to bring researchers closer to citizens so that they can learn about their work, the its benefits for society and their impact on everyday life.

Universidad CEU San Pablo will offer you the chance to find out what our researchers are working on to improve the planet, by carrying out  fourteen activities:

2020 Science video-activities

  • Introduction
    Introducción Semana de la Ciencia
    Mª Paz Lorenzo, Pharmacy Professor CEU USP ([email protected])
  • Biotechnology Practical Applications
    Semana-ciencia - Videos - Aplicaciones Prácticas de la Biotecnología
    María Haro, Pharmacy Professor CEU USP ([email protected])
  • The plants that sorrounds us: Introduction to Botanics
    Semana-ciencia - videos - Las plantas que nos rodean: iniciación a la botánica
    José Alfredo Vicente, Pharmacy Professor CEU USP ([email protected])
  • Workshops on the search for motor points in electrotherapy
    Semana-ciencia - Videos - Talleres de búsqueda de puntos motores en electroterapia
    Carmen Martínez Cepa, Medicine Professor CEU USP Trainee: María González Olivá ([email protected])
  • Search for new active ingredients of natural origin
    Semana-ciencia - Videos - Búsqueda de nuevos principios activos de origen natural
    Nuria Acero, Pharmacy Professor CEU USP Dolores Muñoz-Mingarro, Pharmacy Professor CEU USP ([email protected])
  • Parasites of the world
    Semana-ciencia - Videos - Parásitos de nuestro mundo
    María Dolores Ollero, Pharmacy Professor CEU USP Fernando Izquierdo, Pharmacy Professor CEU USP ([email protected])
  • Immunology laboratory
    Semana-ciencia - Videos - Laboratorio de Inmunología
    Elizabeth Valdivieso, Pharmacy Professor CEU USP ([email protected])
  • Live training in gastronomy and culinary technology
    Semana-ciencia - Videos - Prácticas en directo de Gastronomía y Tecnología Culinaria
    María Achón, Pharmacy Professor CEU USP ([email protected])
  • Skin bacteria: ally or enemy?
    Semana-ciencia - Videos - Bacterias de la piel: ¿aliadas o enemigas?
    Marina Robas, Pharmacy Professor CEU USP María José Pozuelo, Pharmacy Professor CEU USP ([email protected]) ([email protected])
  • Basic research in pathologies of the central nervous system
    Semana-ciencia - Videos - Investigación básica en patologías del sistema nervioso central
    María Victoria Cano, Pharmacy Professor CEU USP Beatriz Merino, Pharmacy Professor CEU USP Jesús Fernández de Felipe, PhD student in Pharmacy CEU USP ([email protected]) ([email protected])
  • From research to teaching. Teaching innovation offered by plants.
    Semana-ciencia - Videos - De la investigación a la docencia. La innovación docente que ofrecen las plantas
    D. Juan Miguel Arias Gámez, Collaborating Professor of Botanics CEU USP, Dr. Antonio Galán Mera, Botanics Lecturer CEU USP Dr. José Alfredo Vicente Orellana, Full Professor of Botanics CEU USP