Consorcio prácticas
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How to apply?

Who can apply?

The EUNIVERSITECH SPAIN consortium will allow you to do an internship abroad or gain professional experience in another country which will open up new horizons and professional opportunities.

The internship program is open to all student of the universities that are part of the EUNIVERSITECH SPAIN consortium. In any case, the number of places will be subject to the approval of the corresponding funds by the Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE).

Requirements and Obligations

CEU Universities Students

  • To have been a student of an official degree in one of the universities or ISEP CEU that are part of the consortium during the academic year previous to the one in which you would carry out the mobility (for example, to have been a student during the academic year 2019-2020 if you apply for the mobility in 2020-2021).
  • Doing the placement in a country participating in the program other than the one of the institution of origin and your country of residence.
  • Apply for the mobility and be selected before you get your degree.
  • Adequate knowledge of the language, depending on the requirements of the host company where you will do the internship.
  • Not having enjoyed an Erasmus grant of 12 months in the same study cycle (in total you have 12 months of mobility adding up Erasmus Study and Erasmus Practice per study cycle).

ISEP CEU Students

  • To have been a student of an official degree in one of the universities or ISEP CEU that are part of the consortium during the academic year previous to the one in which you would carry out the mobility (for example, to have been a student during the academic year 2019-2020 if you apply for the mobility in 2020-2021).
  • Doing the placement in a country participating in the program other than the one of the institution of origin and your country of residence.
  • Apply for the mobility and be selected before you get your degree.
  • Adequate knowledge of the language, depending on the requirements of the host company where you will do the internship.
  • Not having enjoyed an Erasmus grant of 12 months in the same study cycle (in total you have 12 months of mobility adding up Erasmus Study and Erasmus Practice per study cycle).

  • To have been a student of an official degree in one of the universities or ISEP CEU that are part of the consortium during the academic year previous to the one in which you would carry out the mobility (for example, to have been a student during the academic year 2019-2020 if you apply for the mobility in 2020-2021).
  • Doing the placement in a country participating in the program other than the one of the institution of origin and your country of residence.
  • Apply for the mobility and be selected before you get your degree.
  • Adequate knowledge of the language, depending on the requirements of the host company where you will do the internship.
  • Not having enjoyed an Erasmus grant of 12 months in the same study cycle (in total you have 12 months of mobility adding up Erasmus Study and Erasmus Practice per study cycle).

Duration of the Program

The minimum stay will be 2 months and the maximum 12 months per training cycle. In total, 12 months of mobility are available, adding Erasmus Study and Erasmus Practice per study cycle. In any case, only a maximum period of 3 months will be financed.

In any case, the duration will be determined by the specific offer of each company and the period of stay can be extended if the home and host institutions agree, as long as the extended stay is done immediately after, does not involve an interruption of the stay and does not extend beyond the academic year following the completion of their studies.

Economic Endowment and Countries

The purpose of the grants is to help defray the costs associated with student mobility resulting from the stay abroad (mainly travel and living expenses). These aids come from the European Commission, through the Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE).

The financial aid will be paid in a single payment, and will be made according to the length of the stay, once all the documentation has been delivered.

Group 1
Program countries with higher costs of living
Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, United Kingdom 400€
Group 2
Program countries with average living costs
Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain 350€
Group 3
Lowest cost of living program countries
Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey 300€


Application deadline: end on 1 March 2023. Application form here

Should all spots not have been covered after the first Call for Applications, there will be a second one.

How do I access the internship?

The internship can be obtained in two ways:

  • Free management: Spontaneous application of the interested student from each of the partners (CEU Universities and ISEP CEU)
  • EUNIVERSITECH-SPAIN Consortium: Through the common EUNIVERSITECH-SPAIN internship exchange for all partners (CEU and ISEP CEU Universities)
USPCEU 9 6 15
UCHCEU 9 6 15
UAO 5 4 9

Selection of participants

The Steering Committee of the Consortium will be in charge of selecting the candidates according to the available places and their academic merits and/or language level.