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Scholarships & Financial Aid - Undergraduate Students

Scholarships & Financial Aid - Undergraduate Students

Fundación Universitaria San Pablo CEU is the educational institution that allocates the most money in Spain to investment in scholarships and study grants. As a non-profit foundation, for more than 75 years CEU has been allocating a large part of its resources to scholarships for talented students who want to study at one of its universities or colleges. 

Universidad CEU San Pablo is committed to the culture of effort and self-improvement. We believe in the value of giving opportunities to all those who have a goal and strive to achieve it. Here you have the entire catalog of scholarships.

Candidates may apply for all the scholarships to which they may be entitled, fulfilling the requirements established in each of the Terms and Conditions. In the event of being beneficiaries of more than one, the Commission will grant the one that is most beneficial.

Charitable-educational study grants


Fundación Universitaria San Pablo CEU, which is the titular entity of the Universidad CEU San Pablo, is aware of its charitable-educational and social general interest purposes and facilitates access to the studies taught at the University to its students.

A Commission for Charitable and Educational Study Grants, appointed for this purpose by the General Directorate of Fundación Universitaria San Pablo CEU, attends to the applications submitted and distributes the grants, according to the needs and circumstances of each student applicant.


Academic performance, as well as the applicant's socioeconomic and family situation, will be taken into account when awarding scholarships.

In your Future Student Portal you will find the link to the form that you will have to fill in to formalize your application.

Remember that it is essential to attach the additional documentation specified therein.

For the renewal of aid in subsequent years, the same conditions will be required as for the initial grant.

  • Duly completed questionnaire.
  • Transcript of grades.
  • Personal income tax return.
  • Students who are independent of the family unit must also provide proof of ownership or rental of the home and proof of joint, family or collective census registration as of the current date.
  • Any document that accredits the reasons for which the aid is requested, for example, large family, unemployment, single-parent family, etc.

The deadline for submitting applications is May 27, 2024.

A maximum of seven thousand five hundred euros (7,500 €), at the discretion of the corresponding Commission based on the student's personal, family and academic situation, provided that the student is enrolled for a minimum of 60 credits or in each case; if not, the aid will be proportional to the number of credits enrolled.

The decision date is:

  • New 1st year students: June 18, 2024.
  • Students already enrolled at USP or transfers: July 18, 2024.

CEU Merit Programme Scholarships

The CEU Merit scholarship which can be applied for by national or international students who have completed pre-university studies in with an average grade equal to or higher than 8 (out of 10) in Baccalaureate or equivalent foreign educational system. 

The amount awarded can vary between 2,500 and 7,500 euros.

Additionally, the best candidacy among the national and international applicants of the CEU Merit Program scholarship for each degree, will be eligible for a scholarship equivalent to 100% of the "tuition fees", whether it is a single or simultaneous degree, as long as their Baccalaureate average grade is equal to or higher than 9.  

The scholarship does not apply to the place reservation fee, tuition or other payments linked to admission to Universidad CEU San Pablo.

It is renewed in successive courses as long as the academic requirements established in the Terms and Conditions are met and 15 hours of dedication in Campus Life are carried out.


Academic performance, as well as the result of the Universidad CEU San Pablo Admission tests, will be taken into account for their granting. They will be assigned according to the number of applicants for each degree.

Log in to your Future Student Portal, go to the Scholarships section and fill out the application form.

For more information, please contact our admissions advisors by email at [email protected]

Single call for applications:

Deadline for submission up to and including June 10, 2024 (up to 23:59 hours).

The amount awarded will range from 2,500 to 7,500 euros, taking into consideration the degree in which the candidate has been admitted, his or her high school average, the scholarship pool available and the number of candidates presented.

Additionally, the best candidacy among the national and international applicants of the CEU Merit Program scholarship for each degree will be eligible for a scholarship equivalent to 100% of the "tuition fees", whether it is a single or simultaneous degree, as long as their Baccalaureate average is equal to or higher than 9. 

Decision date: June 20, 2024

For more information, please contact our admissions advisors by email at [email protected].

CEU Merit Medicine Academic Excellence Scholarships

Universidad CEU San Pablo, in its interest to recognize the talent and academic effort of its students offers for the academic year 2024-2025 the "CEU Merit Medicine Academic Excellence Scholarships".


The academic requirements to be eligible for these scholarships is to have an average grade of 8.5 out of 10 in the entrance qualifications to our University (40% admission test and access to the School of Medicine, and 60% average of Baccalaureate). They will be awarded to the applicants with the best grades in strict decreasing order

The scholarships will be renewed in higher courses based on the academic results obtained by the students, considering the complete file.

The scholarships are awarded to the candidates who have obtained the ten best university entrance grades in the admission process.

For more information, please contact our admissions advisors by email at [email protected].

No additional paperwork is required. Students who have a reserved place and meet the requirements of the scholarship are taken into consideration. These requirements are, to have an 8.5 or higher in the grade of access to the Bachelor’s degree of Medicine (60 % grade of 1st year of Baccalaureate and 40 % entrance exam to the School of Medicine of Universidad CEU San Pablo).

The decision date will be May 10, 2024.

Boston University Metropolitan College International

Boston University Metropolitan College International (BU) and Universidad CEU San Pablo jointly award a scholarship to cover the specific fees for the CEU-BU International Business Certificate Program.

Universidad CEU San Pablo will pay the fees corresponding to the three modules taken in Madrid; Boston University will pay the fees corresponding to the module taken in Boston.


The grant is awarded to a new student who, with the best academic record, enrolls at Universidad CEU San Pablo in one of the degrees or double degrees associated with the program and, simultaneously, in the CEU-Boston University program, and who also meets the following requirements:

  • Grade equal to or higher than an average of 8.5 in the 1st and 2nd Baccalaureate courses of the Spanish educational system.
  • Proof of English proficiency with a minimum score of 560 TOEFL ITP, 6.5 IELTS, or 84 TOEFL IBT.
  • Pass an interview in English with a CEU-Boston University Program Coordinator.

Candidates who meet the stipulated requirements and have formalized the pre-registration and reservation process at Universidad CEU San Pablo, paying the corresponding fee, can apply for this scholarship. They only have to fill out the form (attached to the Terms and Conditions) and send it by email to [email protected]

Candidates may apply for this scholarship before June 30.

During the month of July, the Scholarship Commission of the Vice-Rectorate for Internationalization of Universidad CEU San Pablo will decide, choosing from among the candidates presented, the most outstanding profile that meets the established requirements.

With this scholarship you will receive from Universidad San Pablo CEU the total exemption of the specific academic fees of the CEU-BU International Business Certificate Program corresponding to Modules I, II, and III of the academic year in which the student joins (2024-2025). These specific fees are published each year on the program's website and in the program's specific academic sheet (they do not include accommodation, flights, insurance or any other concept related to mobility that is not stipulated in the program).

Boston University Metropolitan College International will pay the current tuition fees for the MET International Semester Degree Level Program for Module IV. However, BU reserves the right to make the final decision, at its sole discretion, based on the academic progress of the scholarship recipient throughout Modules I, II and III, for which purpose BU will receive information from Universidad CEU San Pablo.

During the month of July, the Scholarship Commission of the Vice-Rectorate for Internationalization of the Universidad CEU San Pablo will decide, choosing from among the candidates presented, the most outstanding profile that meets the established requirements.

At the end of the academic year, the beneficiary of the CEU-BU scholarship can continue to enjoy it provided that:

  • Maintain a minimum final average grade of 7.5 out of 10 each academic year.
  • Respect the values and regulations of Universidad CEU San Pablo and Boston University, complying with the requirements of the program specified in the "Rules of Permanence in the CEU-BU Program". Compliance with these requirements will result in the automatic renewal of the scholarship for the following academic year, and so on, until the achievement of the "International Business Certificate" from Boston University.

BU reserves the right to decide on the terms of your participation in the awarding of this scholarship in subsequent academic years.

Choir Scholarships

The purpose of the University Studies and Singing Scholarships is to provide Universidad CEU San Pablo Choir with a permanent group of singers who would receive a scholarship with the commitment to participate in the events in which the Choir's presence is required by the University or the institutions and works of the Catholic Association of Propagandists (ACdP), as well as in other artistic commitments linked to the Choir's own activity.

The selected students will also be able to continue developing their musical and vocal skills within our University Choir, a group with more than a decade of experience and important artistic and musical results in Spain and abroad.


  • For first year undergraduate applicants: a grade equal to or higher than 6.5 out of 10 in the 1st and 2nd years of the Spanish Baccalaureate or equivalent in an international education system.
  • For applicants from the second year onwards: to have a grade equal to or higher than 7 out of 10 in the previous year.
  • In general, the scholarship recipient must be a full-time undergraduate student and must be enrolled in at least 60 credits.

Applicants must satisfactorily complete the admission process established by Universidad CEU San Pablo, which may vary depending on the degree they intend to pursue, being in any case subject to assessment of their academic record.

First year candidates will submit their application through the Future Student Portal, where they will attach the required documentation indicated in the Terms and Conditions of the call. 

It will also be necessary to pass a selection process consisting of two phases: artistic-vocal and academic. Both must be passed in order to be awarded one of these scholarships.

For candidates from other courses, please send your request to [email protected], so that the Scholarship Evaluation Committee can evaluate your application, provided that the requirements established in the Terms and Conditions of the Call for Applications are met.

The artistic-vocal selection process consists of two parts: a musical audition and a personal interview.

The selection tests will take place on Tuesday, June 11 and Wednesday, June 12, starting at 6:30 p.m. (Edf. F. Economics - Room 3.08A Julian Romea, 23).

It is necessary to complete the admission process at Universidad CEU San Pablo and meet the following academic requirements:

  • For new 1st year students: average grade of 6.5 out of 10 in 1st, 2nd year of Bachillerato.
  • For students in the 2nd year and above: average grade of 7 out of 10 in the previous year.

In general, the scholarship recipient must be a full-time undergraduate student and must be enrolled in at least 60 credits.

The decision date will be June 20, 2024

The amount of the scholarship will be 3,000 euros, which will be deducted from the amount of the academic fees of the undergraduate degree they are studying, and they must pay the full amount of the registration and tuition fees.

The decision date will be June 20, 2024.

ACDP Padre Ayala y Beato Luis Belda Scholarships


The Catholic Association of Propagandists offers two scholarships to study a degree in Humanities, History or Art History at Universidad San Pablo CEU.


For the awarding of the scholarship, both academic and economic excellence criteria will be taken into account, as well as those related to the candidate's humanistic vocation, and the result of a personal interview with the applicant. In any case, an average grade of at least 7 out of 10 is required.

For the effectiveness of the scholarship it will be necessary to be enrolled in at least 60 ECTS per course. And to make the enrollment effective within 5 days after the publication of the grades corresponding to the EVAU (University Access Evaluation) tests.

Once you have been admitted to the University, you will be able to apply for the scholarship through the Future Student Portal, complying with the conditions established in these rules.

The scholarship must be applied for by June 10, 2024

Each scholarship will be equal to 90 % of the total costs generated by the completion of one of the three degrees: Humanities, History or Art History.

In the event that a student enrolls in two of these three degrees at the same time, particularly History and Art History, it will be up to the student to choose which of them he/she wants to receive the aid.

Las solicitudes las resolverá una comisión que al efecto designe el Consejo Nacional de la ACdP, y se comunicarán el 20 de junio del mismo año.

Public and private scholarships and study grants

Universidad CEU San Pablo students can apply for scholarships and study grants offered by the State and governed by Royal Decree 1721/2007, of December 21, 2007, and by the Ministerial Order that the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MEFP) publishes each academic year. Likewise, they may apply for those of a similar nature announced by the Autonomous Communities and Public and Private Entities.

Website of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MEFP)

Website of the Community of Madrid (Scholarships of Excellence)

The deadline to apply for the scholarships offered by the Ministry of Education for university studies is now open.

Marqués de Lozoya Scholarships

Scholarships aimed at candidates with degrees in Education, Humanities, History and Art History, in order to promote future professionals in these areas of knowledge, with criteria and committed to the goal of building a better society. 

These scholarships provide for discounts of up to 68 % starting in the first year and applicable during all years of study.


All applicants who are pre-admitted in the academic year 2024-2025 in any of the degrees included in the bases and who apply for this scholarship are eligible for this scholarship.

Admissions and New Student Services will confirm the scholarship application.

Check here the prices of your degree of interest with the scholarship.  

Candidates who meet the requirements stipulated in section 2 of the Terms and Conditions, and have been admitted to the aforementioned degrees, will be beneficiaries of this scholarship.

Barcia Goyanes Scholarships

This scholarship is aimed at candidates of the degree in Genetics, the Bachelor’s degree in Bioinformatics and the Dual Bachelor’s degree in Genetics and Bioinformatics in order to help train leaders committed to innovation and scientific progress.

The scholarship consists of a 35 % reduction of the academic fees for these degrees.


This scholarship is available to candidates pre-admitted in the 2024-2025 academic year in the degrees included in the Terms and Conditions. The scholarship will be effective at the time of enrollment.

The Admissions and New Student Services will confirm the scholarship application.

Check here the prices of your degree of interest with the scholarship already applied.

Candidates who meet the requirements stipulated in section 2 of these Conditions, and have been admitted to the aforementioned degrees, will be beneficiaries of the scholarship.

The reduction in academic fees will be automatically applied once they formalize their enrollment at Universidad CEU San Pablo.

Partnerships for the future

Madrid City Councils Grants

Universidad CEU San Pablo is committed to and participates in various initiatives with the communities in its immediate surroundings in order to collaborate in the integral formation of young people in Madrid and to promote economic and social growth.

In this way, the University in alliance with different municipalities in the region will support and promote the implementation of youth plans or programs in the municipalities of our region.

CEU Scholarships Pozuelo de Alarcón Town Hall

Four CEU Merit Program Scholarships aimed at young people registered in the Municipality of Pozuelo de Alarcón or Boadilla del Monte, which involve a reduction of tuition fees between 65 % and 100 % for the chosen degree exclusively for the 2024/2025 academic year.

  • Two scholarships of 100% of the single or dual degree for the first and second best academic record.
  • Two scholarships of 65% of the single or double degree for the third and fourth best academic record.


  • To be registered in the Municipality of Pozuelo de Alarcón or Boadilla del Monte.
  • Academic requirements as stated in the Scholarship Guidelines.

The scholarship application and necessary academic documentation will be submitted through the Future Student Portal in its Scholarship Award - City Councils section. Access to the Future Student portal is done through the passwords and web link that the University sends by email to students at the time they apply to participate in the Admission Process.

Application Deadline Period: March 1 to June 10, 2024

The awarding of the Scholarship implies that the candidate will be a beneficiary in the first year of one of the lines of aid indicated in the Terms and Conditions.

Decision date for scholarship assignment: June 20, 2024.

CEU Scholarships Galapagar City Council

Two scholarships of 100% of the single or double degree for the first and second best academic record and two scholarships of 65% of the single or dual degree for the third and fourth best academic record.

They were created with the purpose of attracting the best records, with the commitment to form young leaders committed to the transformation of a more just society, therefore, they aim to reward the academic talent of the students.


  • The "CEU Merit Program 65- Ayuntamiento de Galapagar" Scholarships can be applied for by candidates admitted to the University and who have completed or are currently completing the Baccalaureate or International Baccalaureate, and who have an average grade equal to or higher than 7 points, calculated between the 1st and 2nd years of Baccalaureate in the Spanish educational system.
  • The "CEU Merit Program 100- Ayuntamiento de Galapagar" Scholarships are open to candidates admitted to the University and who have completed or are currently completing the Baccalaureate or International Baccalaureate, and who obtain a grade average of 9 or higher in the 1st and 2nd years of Baccalaureate in the Spanish educational system.

The scholarship application and necessary academic documentation must be submitted through the Future Student Portal in the scholarship awarding section - City Councils.

Access to the Future Student portal is granted via the passwords and web link sent by the University to students upon their application to participate in the Admission Process.

Period of dates for receipt of applications: March 1 to June 10, 2024.

Candidates who have completed or are currently completing the Baccalaureate and International Baccalaureate, and who have been admitted to any of the University Degrees of Universidad CEU San Pablo (except for the Bachelor’s degrees in Medicine and Dentistry), in accordance with the provisions of the General Rules for Admission and Enrollment for Undergraduate Studies, academic year 2024-2025, may apply.

The awarding of the Scholarship implies that the candidate will be a beneficiary in the first year of one of the lines of aid indicated in the Terms and Conditions.

Decision date for scholarship assignment: June 20, 2024.

Loans and Insurance

All students enrolled in any degree programme at Universidad CEU San Pablo take out, free of charge and at the time of enrolment, a continuity of studies insurance policy. This guarantees the completion of their studies at the University in the event of the death of the father, mother, or in the absence of both, the legal guardian responsible for the payment of tuition fees.

In addition to the loans and grants provided by public administrations, in a continuous effort to facilitate access to an excellent education, we have signed agreements with different entities to finance our students.


Consult the financing conditions through the following link:




Interest-free bank loans for students, granted by the Spanish Ministry of Education.

Interest-free loans for the purchase of computers, granted by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism.

* The information provided by the CEU Educational Group on the financing requested is for guidance only and can in no case be considered as a binding offer or a pre-approval of conditions. The decision on the granting and formalization of the financing requested corresponds solely to the bank.

Carmen Hernández Sánchez

Lydia Morales Catalán


Students and Scholarships Management
Universidad CEU San Pablo
Institute of Technology (EPS)
Montepríncipe Campus – Urbanización Montepríncipe 28668 Boadilla del Monte – Madrid

Fax: 91 534 94 46