Drug Discovery
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Master's degree in  Drug Discovery

Learn how to synthesize bioactive compounds. Research grants.

Information available in spanish only
Interuniversity: Public Price established by the CAM
Admission process open

2nd Best Master’s degree in Pharmacy according to the Ranking El Mundo since 2022. The Master’s degree in Drug Discovery is Interuniversity with UCM and UAH.

Universidad CEU San Pablo participates, together with the Complutense University and the University of Alcalá, in this interuniversity and official Master's degree that gives you access to a PhD and a research career.

This Interuniversity Master's degree in Drug Discovery offers advanced training in the design, synthesis, study and characterization of bioactive compounds.

This is a university course aimed at graduates in Pharmacy, Chemistry and other degrees in Health Sciences and Experimental Sciences, whose objective is to focus on research and the discovery of new drugs in the pharmaceutical industry, both in companies and in public or private organizations.

Download the Drug Discovery Master's Brochure
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Official Name

Official Master in Drug Discovery by Universidad Complutense, Universidad de Alcalá and Universidad CEU San Pablo


School of Pharmacy






September 2025








Morning: 8:30-14h. Afternoon:15-19h

Differential values

Why study this postgraduate research program?

This Interuniversity Master's degree in Drug Discovery offers advanced training in the design, synthesis, study and characterization of bioactive compounds.

Valores Diferenciales

This Interuniversity Master's degree in Drug Discovery offers advanced training in the design, synthesis, study and characterization of bioactive compounds.

The Master's degree in Drug Discovery is an Interuniversity Master's degree. This means that it is taught in collaboration with other universities and there is a triple coordination. The participating universities, which group together three of the five Faculties of Pharmacy of the CAM, are:

  • Universidad CEU San Pablo (Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry): Beatriz de Pascual-Teresa is the coordinator.
  • Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Department of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry): José Carlos Menéndez is the coordinator.
  • Universidad de Alcalá (Department of Chemistry II): David Sucunza is the coordinator.

Students can register for the Master's degree through any of the 3 universities under the same conditions.

The Interuniversity Master's degree in Drug Discovery has been repeatedly selected as the second best Master's degree in Pharmacy in Spain by the ranking El Mundo since 2022.

This Master's degree comes from an inter-university Doctoral Program (Medical Chemistry), which was awarded with a quality mention since its creation in 2005, and with a Mention of Excellence from the Ministry (MEE2011-0415) until the 2013/14 academic year.

This Master's degree gives you access to the CEU International Doctoral School (CEINDO) and you will be eligible for the research personnel training grants awarded each year by the Universidad CEU San Pablo (FPI Research Personnel Training Grants of the San Pablo-CEU University) and for the FPU grants offered by the Ministry and other public and private calls for applications.

The purpose of this Master's degree is to enable students to enroll in the PhD program and/or to facilitate their insertion in a research career or to obtain direct employment in industry or other organizations. It has a 100% job placement rate.

The teaching staff is made up of professors belonging to the three participating universities, external professors of great prestige in areas directly related to drug discovery, as well as guest professors who are specialists in the field, all of whom hold PhDs.

With the aim of recognizing scientific research in the area of Health Sciences, our School of Pharmacy has been organizing these awards, sponsored by the Janssen-Cilag Chair, for the best TFM since 2009.

Specifically, two awards are given: to the best research work in Drug Discovery and to the best scientific trajectory of the Master in Drug Discovery. All the students of the Master's program from the three universities that comprise it (UCM, UAH and CEU-USP) participate.

See rules and winners at this link.

As a student of the program, you will be able to apply for a one-year internship offer at the Janssen Research Center in Toledo as a Junior Researcher in Organic Synthesis.

Within the Department of Medicinal Chemistry, you will work on the synthesis, purification and characterization of organic products with potential biological activity in the area of Neurosciences.

Please consult this option with the Master's degree director.

Several CSIC Institutes collaborate in the Master’s degree such as:

  • Institutes of Medicinal Chemistry and Organic Chemistry
  • Biological Research Center
  • And also leading pharmaceutical companies
  • imagen josefa

    The Master's degree is very complete, with a wide variety of Courses in different branches, from advanced analytical and bioanalytical techniques, drug synthesis strategies, drug design... By taking it at three universities and, in addition, having contact with other centers such as the CSIC, it allows me to learn about the research work of many groups. Currently, my research line consists of the design and computational evaluation of molecules with antitumor action.

    Josefa Zaldívar

    Postdoctoral Researcher and Alumni of the Master's degree in Drug Discovery

  • Laura-Márquez-Img

    The Master's degree is very complete, with a wide variety of Courses in different branches, from advanced analytical and bioanalytical techniques, drug synthesis strategies, drug design... By taking it at three universities and, in addition, having contact with other centers such as the CSIC, it allows me to learn about the research work of many groups. Currently, my research line consists of the design and computational evaluation of molecules with antitumor action.

    Laura Márquez

    PhD Student and Alumni of the Master’s degree in Drug Discovery

Learn more about the Drug Discovery Master's Program

Learn more about the Drug Discovery Master's Program

List of subjects

Subject ECTS Character Teaching Guide
Module 1: Medicinal chemistry and drug design
Advanced medicinal chemistry 6 Compulsory Teaching Guide
Drug design 6 Compulsory Teaching Guide
Natural products in the discovery of new drugs 3 Elective Teaching Guide
Combinatorial methods applied in the discovery of new drugs 3 Elective Teaching Guide
School of drug discovery and medicinal chemistry 6 Compulsory Teaching Guide
New drug development, clinical trials and registration of pharmaceutical specialties 3 Elective Teaching Guide
Module 2: Synthesis and characterization of pharmaceuticals
Drug synthesis strategy 6 Compulsory Teaching Guide
Heterocyclic drug synthesis 6 Elective Teaching Guide
Methodologies for the structural determination of drugs and the study of molecular recognition phenomena 6 Elective Teaching Guide
Advanced analytical methods in drug development 3 Elective Teaching Guide
Advanced bioanalytical techniques 3 Elective Teaching Guide
Master's Thesis
Master's Thesis 18 Master's Thesis Teaching Guide

What specifically will you learn in this Official Master's degree in Drug Discovery?

This interuniversity Master's degree provides you with an integrated and highly updated training in the field of drug discovery, in the design, synthesis, study and characterization of bioactive compounds.

The main competences of this Master are:


This interuniversity Master's degree provides you with an integrated and highly updated training in the field of drug discovery, in the design, synthesis, study and characterization of bioactive compounds.

The main competences of this Master are:

You will systematically understand the field of study, master related research skills and methods.

You will be able to critically analyze, evaluate and synthesize new and complex ideas in this field.

You will learn the chemical basis of metabolism, the optimization of the physicochemical properties, bioavailability and pharmacokinetics of drugs, as well as the latest advances.

At the end of this Master’s degree you will be able to use nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometry experiments for the structural determination of drugs.

You will learn about the special characteristics of industrial-scale drug synthesis, the advances in industrial processes for the synthesis of representative groups of drugs, their implications in development, scale-up and patent-based innovation.

You will know and know how to apply the new trends in the preparation of heterocycles, as a structural element present in most drugs.

Internships in companies

Where can you do an internship?

In-company internships
Internships in companies

Where can you do an internship?

Universidad CEU San Pablo has numerous internship agreements so that students who wish to carry out extracurricular internships can do so.



The Master's degree provides for student mobility for the completion of the Master's Thesis in a center outside the Complutense, Alcalá and CEU San Pablo Universities, by virtue of the agreements signed for this purpose.

The reception of external students will be considered positive. Requests will be evaluated by the Master's Academic Coordination Committee to determine the best way to integrate them into the structure and development of the curriculum.

Mobility will be promoted through the mobility programs of Spanish universities (SÉNECA, SICUE), European universities (ERASMUS, ERASMUS MUNDUS programs), mobility associated with the Paul Ehrlich MedChem Euro-PhD Network (http://www.pehrlichmedchem.eu/), a network of postgraduate studies in medicinal chemistry to which the three universities belong, or other international programs https://medchem2020.org/.

Career opportunities

What will you be able to work on after completing this Master's degree in Drug Discovery?

Salidas profesionales
Career opportunities

What will you be able to work on after completing this Master's degree in Drug Discovery?

The purpose of this Master's degree is to enable you to enroll in a PhD program and/or to facilitate your entry into a research career or direct employment in industry or other organizations.

At the end of the program, most of the students have research contracts in USPCEU, UAH, UCM, IQM, CIB, IQOG, as well as other national and foreign universities and research centers. You will also be able to work in companies of the pharmaceutical industry, among which stand out:

  • Janssen
  • GSK
  • Normon
  • Suan Farma
  • AstraZeneca
  • Abbott
  • Sanofi

Job placement

Admission Process

Admission Process

1. Documentación


Presentation of ID card, motivation letter and certificate of studies

Entrevista de admisión

Admission interview

Conduct an interview with the Master's degree management to evaluate your profile and your motivations

Reserva de plaza

Reservation of place

Make the payment for the reservation of your place. It will be deducted from the total price



Fill in the enrollment form and hand in the documentation at the secretary's office of your Campus.

Admission criteria

Criterios de admisión

Admission criteria

Allocation of vacancies and evaluation criteria

First. Priorities for awarding.

  • Qualifications: a degree in Pharmacy, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biotechnology or Biology will be a priority. Candidates will also be considered from other undergraduate or graduate degrees in the areas of Health Sciences or Experimental Sciences, or an approved equivalent foreign degree.
  • Previous studies: it is considered an essential requirement to have taken at least 6 credits of Organic Chemistry. Without this requirement, admission will not be granted.

Second. Evaluation criteria for the awarding of positions and justification of merits.

  • Academic record in the entrance qualification, weighted by grade point average and year of completion: Maximum 60 points.
  • Profile, valuing the student's previous training. Maximum 25 points. Out of a maximum of 100, the scores assigned are:



Pharmacy, Chemistry


Biochemistry, Chemical Engineering


Biotechnology, Biology


  • Other merits, experience in the laboratory in areas related to the Master, current or previous professional or research activity in R&D and/or Drug Discovery management. Maximum 15 points.
  • There is no minimum admission score.

Third. Awarding of vacancies.

  • The resolution of the admission process shall correspond to the Rector, or Vice-Rector delegated by him/her, and shall be carried out in accordance with what results from the application of the rules, priorities and evaluation criteria established in these regulations. The procedure shall be carried out in accordance with criteria of merit, equality and capacity.

New student profile

Tuition fees

Tuition fees

The price of the University Master's degree in Drug Discovery for the current academic year is established in accordance with 43/2022, of June 29, of the Governing Council, which sets the public prices for university studies leading to official degrees and services of an academic nature in the Public Universities of the Community of Madrid (BOCM nº155 of 1/7/2022) and will take effect once published in the BOCM. The application of the prices established in this Decree will be effective from the day following its publication in the BOCM, regardless of the academic year, and will remain in force until the publication of the following Decree: BOCM-20180803.

  • Article 7: Public prices of the remaining master's degree courses
    • The amount of public prices per credit for the remaining university master's degree courses will be 45.02 euros per credit for first registration, 71.88 euros per credit for second registration and 84.07 euros per credit for third and subsequent registration.
    • The amount of tuition for these studies will be the result of the sum of the amounts of the different credits enrolled in each Course, Course or discipline.
    • In the case of inter-university master's degrees, the price will be established by the coordinating university, without prejudice to what is established in the university's regulations or in the corresponding agreement, and the limits established in article 81.3.b) of Organic Law 6/2001, of December 21, 2001, on Universities must be respected in all cases.
  • The master's degree will have the same public price in all participating universities. In the event that a different price has been paid at the time of registration, as soon as the public prices for the current course come into force, the amount of the registration fee and the corresponding receipt will be recalculated and communicated to the e-mail address on file so that the difference can be paid.
  • The Secretary’s Office Fees will also be Course to the public prices.


The price of the place reservation is set at 200 euros (course 25/26). Public price to be consulted in BOCM nº 155, of 1/7/2022.

More information on CEU prices here.


Teaching by doctors

Professor Description
Academic Coordination Body
de Pascual-Teresa Fernández, Beatriz Coordinator at Universidad CEU San Pablo
Menéndez Ramos, José Carlos Professor of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Sucunza Sáenz, David Coordinator at the University of Alcalá
Villacampa Sanz, Mercedes Full Professor.
Universidad San Pablo-CEU Faculty
Barbas Arribas, Coral Professor of Analytical Chemistry
Coderch Boué, Claire Professor of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
de Pascual-Teresa Fernández, Beatriz Professor of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Domínguez Martín, Gema Professor of Organic Chemistry
Galán de Mera, Antonio Professor of Botany
García Fernández, Antonia Professor of Analytical Chemistry
Gradillas Nicolás, Ana Professor of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Herradón Gil-Gallardo, Gonzalo Professor of Pharmacology
López Gonzálvez, Mª Ángeles Professor of Analytical Chemistry
Lorenzo García, Mª Paz Professor of Analytical Chemistry
Martínez Garzón, Ángel Manuel Assistant Professor Organic Chemistry
Ortín Remón, Irene Professor of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Pérez Castells, Javier Professor of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Ramos González, Ana María Professor of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Rey Stolle Valcarce, Mª Fernanda Professor of Physical Chemistry
Rupérez Pascualena, Fco. Javier Professor of Analytical Chemistry
Zapico Rodríguez, José Mª Full Professor of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Profesorado Universidad Complutense
Giorgio, Giorgi Associate Professor Doctor
González Matilla, Juan Francisco Full Professor
López Ruiz, Beatriz Chair
López-Alvarado Gutiérrez, Pilar Full Professor
Martín Carmona, Mª Antonia Full Professor
Menéndez Ramos, José Carlos Professor of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Olives Barba, Ana I. Associate Professor Doctor
Pedregal Freire, Carmen Full Professor
Ramos García, Mª Teresa Full Professor
Sánchez Cebrián, Juan Domingo
Sánchez-Paniagua López, Marta
Söllhuber Kretzer, Mónica
Villacampa Sanz, Mercedes Full Professor.
University of Alcalá Faculty
Aceña Bonilla, José Luis Full Professor
Carreras Pérez-Aradros, Javier Assistant Professor Doctor
Cuadro Palacios, Ana Mª Chair
Fernández Bachiller, María Isabel
Fernández Rodríguez, Manuel Ángel
García García, Patricia Chair
Guzmán Navarro, Manuel Professor
Merino Marcos, Estíbaliz Full Professor
Sucunza Sáenz, David Full Professor
Vaquero López, Juan J. Professor
External lecturers
Alonso de Diego, Sergio Alvar Johnson &Johnson Innovative Medicine
Badenes Belmonte, Guillermo Janssen-Cilag
Blanco Gutiérrez, Francisco J. CIB
Camarasa Rius, María José IQM
Campillo Martín, Nuria CIB
Canales Mayordomo, Mª Ángeles UCM Faculty of Chemistry)
Cañada Vicinay, Francisco Javier CIB
Caron, Giulia University of Torino (Turin, Italy)
Castro Morera, Ana IQM
Conde Ceide, Susana Johnson &Johnson Innovative Medicine
Dardonville, Christophe IQM
de la Torre Egido, Carmen IQOG
Díaz Pereira, José F CIB
Fabre, Benjamin Sanofi (Paris, France)
Fernández Tornero, Carlos CIB
Gago Badenas, Federico UAH (School of Medicine)
González Muñiz, Rosario IQM
Herradón García, Bernardo IQOG
Jagerovic, Nadine IQM
León Martínez, Rafael IQM
López Pérez, Cristobal IQOG
Martín Santamaría, Sonsoles CIB
Martínez Gil, Ana CIB
Medina, Jesús Cief Information Offecer of Iberia
Pérez Fernández, Ruth CIB
Pérez Martínez, Carlos Lilly
Pérez Pérez, María Jesús IQOG
Quesada del Sol, Ernesto IQOG
Sánchez Sancho, Francisco IQM
Soriano Paradinas, Isabel Janssen-Cilag
As a result of Universidad CEU San Pablo's commitment to Quality, the School of Pharmacy has a living Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIC), aligned with the SISCAL Guidelines at the Centre level, which ensures the review and continuous improvement of all official Bachelor's and Master's degrees.

First formalised IQAS at the level of Universidad San Pablo-CEU  that guarantees the quality and continuous improvement of its Bachelor's and Master's degrees.


The IQAS is approved at the Centre level where the IQC of each Centre approves proposals for improvement and their follow-up.


Universidad San Pablo-CEU obtains the SISCAL Madri+d model certification for all its centers and Institutional Accreditation for the centers presented.

Acreditacion Madri+d Facultad de Farmacia

madrid+d Institutional Accreditation

Madrid+d institutional accreditation 

Universidad San Pablo-CEU has obtained Institutional Accreditation for the following university centers: 

  • Law School  
  • School of Economics and Business Administration 
  • School of Medicine 
  • Institute of Technology 
  • School of Pharmacy 
  • University Institute for European Studies 

SISCAL madri+d certification

      • Law School 
      • School of Economics and Business 
      • School of Humanities and Communication Sciences 
      • School of Medicine 
      • School of Pharmacy 
      • Institute of Technology 
      • University Institute for European Studies 

Academic year of implementation: 2013

School/institution: School of Pharmacy

Renewal status: Favourable