Management of Health Biotechnology Companies (AseBio)
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Master's degree in  Management of Health Biotechnology Companies (AseBio)

First MBE (Master in Bioscience Enterprise) that specializes in management and entrepreneurship of biotechnology companies.

Information available in spanish only
15% off until February 28th

This Master's degree in Biotechnology Enterprise Management is the only MBE -Master's degree in Bioscience Enterprise- that specializes in the management and entrepreneurship of biotechnology companies.

The Master's degree in Management of Health Biotechnology Companies, carried out between Universidad CEU San Pablo and AseBio (Spanish Association of Biocompanies), is an innovative MBE (Master's in Bioscience Enterprise) type Master's degree. 

These degrees, unlike MBAs, are designed for graduates in experimental and life sciences who already have an appropriate scientific background but wish to pursue a career in management or entrepreneurship, thus requiring new competences and skills in the management and business of a biotechnology organization. 

It is currently the only Master's degree of its kind in the Spanish university market. This Master MBE or MBioEnt (Master's in Bioscience Enterprise) focuses on biotechnology, especially in the health sector, a sector that has presented a dizzying development in the last decade, and in clear growth with a significant macroeconomic impact on the national GDP. 

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Official Name

Official Master in Management of Health Biotechnology Companies (AseBio)


School of Pharmacy






November 2025


School of Pharmacy






Monday to Friday from 15-19h


This Master's degree is offered in collaboration with the Spanish Association of Biocompanies (AseBio).

Differential values

Why study the Master’s degree in Management of Technological Companies at Universidad CEU San Pablo?

Ventajas competitivas

The Spanish Association of Biocompanies (AseBio) co-directs this Master’s degree. AseBio has been collaborating for more than 20 years with regional, national and European administrations, and with all social organizations committed to science and the use of biotechnology to improve the quality of life of people, the sustainability of the planet, economic development and the generation of high added value employment. 

AseBio is also a member of: 

  • CEOE (Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations) 

Information about AseBio

The Master’s degree is supported and sponsored by Merck, a leading company in the development of innovative and high quality products in the fields of Helthcare and Life Sciences. 

Learn more about Merck 


The Master's degree in Biotechnology Business Management of Universidad CEU San Pablo and AseBio is currently the only Master's degree in the Spanish university market with these characteristics, i.e., focused on starting and managing biotechnology companies in the field of health. 

The theoretical and practical contents, structured in 5 Courses, will be taught by a faculty of professors who are professionals and senior executives from leading companies and entities in the biotechnology sector.

Aware that contact with the reality of work is essential in the training process of a professional, the co-direction of the Master with ASEBIO allows us to offer more than 6 months of internships that will increase your chances of finding a job.

The biotechnology sector offers a wide range of job opportunities and thanks to the Master's degree you will come into contact with professionals in the biotechnology sector. According to the latest student survey, the Master's degree has an insertion rate of 100% and an average of one and a half months from the time the student finishes until he/she finds a job. 

In addition, at the University, we have a Careers department that is responsible for finding the best job opportunities for our students. You will have access to the job bank with exclusive national and international offers.

  • Img Marta Meño

    I chose MUGEBS because it seemed like the perfect opportunity to start a professional career in the world of biotechnology, combining the technical with the corporate, and to learn about the industry, project development, business models and entrepreneurship. I feel that I am prepared and will start my internship in September at MSD biotech. 

    Marta Meño

    Alumni of the Master's degree in Management of Health Biotechnology Companies

  • Imagen Mario

    The laboratory is not the only option for Health Care experts. This Master's degree opens a door of possibilities in the different areas of the biotech company, whether in the department of Market Access, Marketing, Sales... You not only learn the theoretical bases, but also the day-to-day life of the professionals. I decided to choose this option given the great opportunities offered in their internships. 

    Mario Monterrubio

    Alumni of the Master's degree in Management of Health Biotechnology Companies

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List of subjects

Subject ECTS Character Teaching Guide
Course 1
Introduction and Fundamentals 8 Compulsory Teaching Guide
Health Biotechnology 15 Compulsory Teaching Guide
Transversal Departments in Biocompanies 15 Compulsory Teaching Guide
Marketing, Strategy and Commercialisation in Biotechnology 10 Compulsory Teaching Guide
Business Plan and Business Models in Biocompanies 12 Compulsory Teaching Guide
Course 2
Master's Degree Final Project 18 Master's degree final project Teaching Guide
External Internships 42 Practicum Teaching Guide

What specifically will you be training in?

This program aims to train qualified professionals with a comprehensive and deep vision on how to manage R&D&I in biotechnology, and will allow you to develop a professional training in the management of biotechnology companies from different areas. 

You will be trained in the following competences:


This program aims to train qualified professionals with a comprehensive and deep vision on how to manage R&D&I in biotechnology, and will allow you to develop a professional training in the management of biotechnology companies from different areas. 

You will be trained in the following competences:

You will be able to develop an integral, innovative and original project for the management of a biotechnological company, as well as to analyze and develop strategies for the launching of a biotechnological product and its commercialization. You will understand and be able to apply qualitative and quantitative techniques in the field of biotechnology market research.

You will apply specific financial concepts to evaluate the profitability and potential of the industry to create value. You will also know how to evaluate and manage the different interests of the parties involved (traditional pharma/food industry, biotech, patients, hospitals, physicians, etc.) and plan a business plan to present to future investors at national and international level.

You will learn about the current tax regime, including the tax framework for incentives in R&D activities and the transfer of intangibles after the reforms in the Corporate Income Tax, as well as the legal certainty in its application.

You will be able to integrate and relate the different principles of R&D&I management in biotechnology, including ethical and biosafety aspects, obtaining funding and managing research activity and results.


Where can I do my internship in the Master's degree in Management of Biotechnology Companies?

In-company internships

Where can I do my internship in the Master's degree in Management of Biotechnology Companies?

This Master's degree includes internships in companies and institutions of the biotechnology sector (6 months) starting in September associated with AseBio.  

Some of the companies in which students have completed their external internships are: 

  • Abbvie Spain S.L.U. and Ayming S.A.U. 
  • AstraZeneca Farmacéutica Spain S.A. and Atrys Health 
  • Canaan Research and Investment and Everis Spain S.L.U. 
  • Farmasierra and F. Initiatives R + D + i 
  • IMDEA Food and Genomics Foundation S.A.U. 
  • Medicsensors S.L. and Ninmgenetics 
  • Pharmactive Biotech Products S.L. and SILO 
  • Prescription Data, S.L. (Close-up International) and Tygenix (Takara group)

Colaboran con nosotros

Cátedra Merck
Career opportunities

What will you be able to work in at the end of this Biotechnology MBE?

Salidas profesionales
Career opportunities

What will you be able to work in at the end of this Biotechnology MBE?

    • R&D&I areas or departments of biotechnology, pharmaceutical, nanotechnology, veterinary and food companies. 
    • Research Departments of public and private health centers. 
    • Areas of production of biological material in the biomedical industry (enzymes, antibodies, protein engineering, antibiotics, vitamins, etc.). Optimization of biotechnological processes in companies. 
    • Areas of innovation in the chemical and food industry: sustainable processes, engineering processes, new materials.

Job placement

Admission Process

Admission Process

1. Documentación


Presentation of ID card, motivation letter and certificate of studies

Entrevista de admisión

Admission interview

Conduct an interview with the Master's degree management to evaluate your profile and your motivations

Reserva de plaza

Reservation of place

Make the payment for the reservation of your place. It will be deducted from the total price



Fill in the enrollment form and hand in the documentation at the secretary's office of your Campus.

Admission criteria

Criterios de admisión

Admission criteria

It is essential to have a Bachelor's degree, a good level of English and pass the admission process.  

A personal interview must be held with the direction or coordination of the Master’s degree in which the suitability of the requirements will be studied in accordance with the admission profile in relation to previous studies, professional experience in sectors related to the Master’s degree, and the language of the degree (it is necessary to provide the grades obtained in previous studies and the Curriculum Vitae of the candidate for admission). 

In addition, the applicant's vocation and knowledge of English will be considered. 

Entry Profile

Scholarships and Grants

Discounts and bonuses applicable to the Master’s degree

Becas y Ayudas
Scholarships and Grants

Discounts and bonuses applicable to the Master’s degree

You will be able to access the following discounts: 

  • Alumni discount: 10 % discount on the total amount of the registration fee (see conditions). 
  • Anticipate Plan: discounts for early seat reservations. They are limited, apply only to selected degrees and in different percentages that vary between 20 %, 15 %, 10 % and 5 %. 
  • One-time payment: 3 % discount on the amount still to be paid after payment of the reservation. 
  • Interest-free monthly payments: you will be able to pay your Master's degree in monthly installments with 0 % interest.

* These discounts are not cumulative and will not be applicable in those agreed Master’s degrees whose economic management is not carried out by Universidad CEU San Pablo. 

Price Academic Year 25-26

Precios titulación

Price Academic Year 25-26

Reservation fee
Se descuenta del precio total
1,800.00 €
Total price18,000.00 €

María del Pilar Ramos Álvarez


Ion Arocena Vélez



Teaching by doctors

Professor Description
Haro García, María Dr. of Pharmacy.
Acosta López, Miguel Andrés Bachelor's Degree in Computer Systems Analysis, Degree in Philosophy, PhD in Philosophy and Letters.
Alarcos Tamayo, Teresa Dr. in Medicine (Univ. Valladolid) and Master’s degree in International Trade Management (ESADE).
Alcaráz García, Elena Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy (UCM)
Alguacil Merino, Luis Fernando Professor of Pharmacology
Alonso Aperte, Elena Professor of Nutrition and Bromatology
Alsina Mier, Pedro Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy from the University of Barcelona and Diploma in Marketing and Sales Management from CESEM.
Arocena Vélez, Ion General Director of ASEBIO (Spanish Association of Biocompanies).
Arribas Vera, Nuria María Dr. in Agricultural Engineering
Arroyo Arranz, Rocío Managing Director of Amadix, spin off of TCD Pharma
Aznar Fernández-Montesinos, Gloria Coordinator of International Relations, professor at the School of Economics and Business Administration of Universidad CEU San Pablo
Baez Zuasati, Marta Bachelor’s degree in Food Science and Technology from the UAM.
Barbas Arribas, Coral Professor of Analytical Chemistry
Bernardo Álvarez, Ángela Bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology (University of León), Master’s degree in Pharmaceutical and Biotechnological Industry by the Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Carrera Puerta, Esther Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Cospedal García, Rosario Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy (UCM) and PhD in Biochemistry from the University of London.
Daimiel Ruíz, Lidia Ángeles Associate Professor of Nutrition and Bromatology
de la Barra Aguirre, Matías Chief Data Scientist at PRENSA IBÉRICA
de la Cueva Méndez, Guillermo Dr. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the UAM.
de Pascual-Teresa Fernández, Beatriz Professor of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
del Barrio Seoane, Jaime Bachelor’s degree in Biology from the Complutense University of Madrid.
del Castillo Puente, Ángel Dr. in Economics and Business Administration from the University of Santiago de Compostela.
del Cerro Martínez, Miguel Corporate Communications and HR Director at NIMGenetics
Díaz Martínez, Elisa Economist, Master and PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Oxford and the Juan March Institute.
Eibe Guijarro, Carmen Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Business Administration from the University of Seville.
Fernández Matarín, David Bachelor’s degree in English Philology from the University of Jaén, MBA from Hult International Business School (Boston, USA), MBA from Hult International Business School (Boston, USA).
Fernández Santos, Mª Eugenia Bachelor’s degree in Biology (1996) and PhD in Medicine (2001) from the University of Salamanca.
Fragoso de Castro, Jaime Bachelor’s d egree in Biology from the Complutense University of Madrid
García López, José Luis Dr. in Chemistry and Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy
García Medinilla, Cristina Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Management from ICADE and Bachelor’s degree in Geography and History from Complutense University of Madrid.
García Rey, Paula Bachelor’s degree in Law (specialization E-1, Corporate Counsel) and in Economics and Business Administration.
García Villalobos, Juan Carlos Director of the Master's degree in Digital Marketing and Social Media
García Zato, Gemma Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy (specializing in Biotechnology) and Master's degree in Business Administration and Management (EOI, Escuela de Organización Industrial).
González Martín, Carmen Professor of Toxicology
González Pérez, Susana Dr. in Economics, professor at the School of Economics and Business Administration of Universidad CEU San Pablo.
González Rumayor, Víctor Bachelor’s degree in Biology and PhD in Genetics from the Complutense University of Madrid.
Gosálbez Cisneros-Miret, Luis Bachelor’s degree in Biology and Master’s in Biotechnology Business Creation and Management from the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom).
Haro García, María Dr. of Pharmacy.
Herradón Gil-Gallardo, Gonzalo Professor of Pharmacology
Hurtado Marcos, Carolina Professor of Immunology
Indart Magdaleno, Ana Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy from UCM and PhD in Pharmacy from USP CEU.
Jiménez Gómez, Pedro Antonio Dr. in Biology
Lara Villoslada, Federico Dr. in Pharmacy from University of Granada
Llinares Pinel, Francisco Dr. in Biological Sciences from UCM. Biology, UCM
Lluch Tormos, Desamparados Professor in the area of Marketing and Marketing Research
Losada González, Mª Cristina Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration (UCM) with a postgraduate degree in Auditing and Accounting (URJC).
Majali Martínez, Alejandro Bachelor’s degree in Biology (Universidad de Alcalá), Master’s degree in Molecular Biology (University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom) and PhD from the Medical University of Graz (Austria).
Martín Puerta, Antonio Economist and Doctor in History, he is Professor of Moral Philosophy at Universidad CEU San Pablo of Madrid.
Martínez García, María Cristina Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy from UCM
Martínez Laguna, Luis Professor of Financial Economics and Accounting at Universidad CEU San Pablo
Martínez Martínez, Miryam She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Business Administration from UCM and a PhD from Universidad CEU San Pablo of Madrid.
Martínez Pita Zemborain, Jimena Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Business Administration from UCM, Master’s degree in Health Economics from Pompeu Fabra University and Master’s degree in Economic, Legal and Social Management
Martínez Sánchez, Agustín Dr. in Business Administration and Management from USP CEU, Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Business Administration from UCM, Master’s degree in Senior Management of Universities.
Martínez-Fresno Moreno, María Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy from Universidad CEU San Pablo.
Mateos de Cabo, Ruth Ph.D. Professor of Marketing and Marketing Research
Mielgo Álvarez, Mª Aránzazu Assistant Professor in the School of Economics and Business Administration at Universidad San Pablo CEU.
Miranda Naranjo, Dulce Mª Bachelor’s degree in Law
Molero Sánchez, Dámaso With a Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy and an MBA, he has extensive experience in pharmaceutical production in several multinational companies such as Glaxo, Roche, Syntex and Shionogi.
Molina Hernández, Cecilio Assistant Professor of Commercial Law. Universidad CEU San Pablo.
Moreno Pascual, César Alfonso Civil Engineer, Lawyer, ExMBA from IESE and PhD in Economics and Business Administration.
Navarro Ordóñez, Susana Bachelor’s degree and PhD in Biology from the Complutense University of Madrid.
Nistal Villán, Estanislao Dr. in Biochemistry from the University of Salamanca.
Ortiz Betes, Pablo Dr. in Medicine
Palomo Zurdo, Ricardo Javier Doctor en Cc. Económicas y Empresariales
Pérez Castells, Javier Professor of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Pérez García, Carmen Professor of Pharmacology
Polanco Álvarez, Ana Dr. in Pharmacy and specialist (via FIR) in Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases and MBA.
Polanco Mora, María José Professor of Pharmacology
Portal Núñez, Sergio Dr. in Biological Sciences from the University of Navarra in 1997 and 2003, respectively.
Probanza Lobo, Agustín Dr. in Biological Sciences (Department of Ecology) from the UCM in 1994.
Ramón Vidal, Daniel Dr. in Biology
Ramos Álvarez, María del Pilar Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, USP CEU
Relló i Condomines, Enric Bachelor’s degree and PhD in Economics, Diploma in Business Studies (ICOTME) and Executive Master's degree from Harvard Business School.
Rodríguez de Gortázar, Arancha PhD in Biology
Rodríguez Martín, Alejandro Graduate in Economics and Business Administration and Master’s degree in Business Management (ESIC.
Ruiz de Palacios, Mercedes PhD in Accounting from Universidad CEU San Pablo.
Rupérez Pascualena, Fco. Javier Professor of Analytical Chemistry
Saá Teja, Paloma PhD in Marketing from USP-CEU
Samper Rodriguez, Enrique Bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences (BSc) from Michigan State University (USA), PhD in Molecular Biology (PhD) from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
Sánchez García, Irene Bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM).
Sánchez García de Arboleya, Diego Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Barcelona.
Sánchez Magro, Isabel Bachelor’s degree in Medicine and Surgery and Doctor of Medicine from the UCM.
Sánchez Muñoz, Isabel Graduate in Biology and PhD from the University of Alcalá de Henares in Madrid, she is currently in charge of the Biobank of the University Hospital of Getafe.
Suela Rubio, Javier Bachelor’s degree in Biology from UCM, and PhD from UAM.
Terrados Aguado, Gloria María Dr. in Molecular Biology and a degree in Biochemistry and Biology from the UAM.
Timón, Marcos Dr. in Biological Sciences at the Immunology Service of the Hospital 12 de Octubre (Madrid).
Torrejón Beldad, Ana Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration
Utrera Caro, Sebastián Félix Full Professor of Administrative Law at Universidad CEU San Pablo
Varela, Julio Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from the University of Valladolid, Master’s degree in Pharmaceutical and Health Industry Management from IE Business School
Varela Moreiras, Gregorio Dr. of Pharmacy
Vega Torres, Pablo Dr. in Economics and Business Administration from USP CEU, MBA from the University of Carleton (Canada), Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Management
Velasco Escribano, Diego Bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry from the UAM
Villalón Acacio, Alejandro With a Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy from USP CEU, he is a 'thinker' focused on business strategy associated with the digital world, new technologies and innovation
As a result of Universidad CEU San Pablo's commitment to Quality, the School of Pharmacy has a living Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIC), aligned with the SISCAL Guidelines at the Centre level, which ensures the review and continuous improvement of all official Bachelor's and Master's degrees.

First formalised IQAS at the level of Universidad San Pablo-CEU  that guarantees the quality and continuous improvement of its Bachelor's and Master's degrees.


The IQAS is approved at the Centre level where the IQC of each Centre approves proposals for improvement and their follow-up.


Universidad San Pablo-CEU obtains the SISCAL Madri+d model certification for all its centers and Institutional Accreditation for the centers presented.

Acreditacion Madri+d Facultad de Farmacia

madrid+d Institutional Accreditation

Madrid+d institutional accreditation 

Universidad San Pablo-CEU has obtained Institutional Accreditation for the following university centers: 

  • Law School  
  • School of Economics and Business Administration 
  • School of Medicine 
  • Institute of Technology 
  • School of Pharmacy 
  • University Institute for European Studies 

SISCAL madri+d certification

      • Law School 
      • School of Economics and Business 
      • School of Humanities and Communication Sciences 
      • School of Medicine 
      • School of Pharmacy 
      • Institute of Technology 
      • University Institute for European Studies