Interior Design
Logo Universidad CEU San Pablo

Degree in  Interior Design

He masters the art of combining beauty and functionality to design spaces, furniture, objects, textiles and lighting.

Grupo inglés* (modalidad idiomática pendiente de aprobación para curso 2025-2026)

Develop your creative talent in the design of spaces

If you think about how to improve everything around you, you give importance to beauty, but also to the functionality of spaces, then you have the soul of an interior designer. With the new Bachelor’s degree in Interior Design at Universidad CEU San Pablo you will become a design professional.

We train you from the first course to master all areas of interior design specialization, from aesthetic aspects to the most technical and functional. You will learn about furniture and object design, textiles, and lighting. You will master the technical and artistic tools necessary to work on integrated professional projects. You will do internships in prestigious companies and studios, and you will be able to internationalize your profile through a mobility to foreign universities.

If you want to stand out in the world of interior design and dream of designing and building spaces that you will fall in love with, this degree is for you.

Institute of Technology Brochure (spanish only)
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Official Name

Degree in Diseño de Interiores


Institute of Technology




240 ECTS


September 2025


Institute of Technology




Spanish, English

Differential values

Why study the Bachelor’s degree in Interior Design at Universidad CEU San Pablo?

For us, practice-based teaching is fundamental. Our goal with this new Bachelor in Interior Design is to train designers able to add value and respond to the needs of users and become an essential professional in companies, design studios or individuals.

Valores Diferenciales

For us, practice-based teaching is fundamental. Our goal with this new Bachelor in Interior Design is to train designers able to add value and respond to the needs of users and become an essential professional in companies, design studios or individuals.

Our goal is to turn you into a designer with the highest technical and creative level. For this reason, the program of studies offers you different optional subjects to choose from in the fourth year: acoustics, bioclimatic interior design and many more.

Develop your creative voice with a comprehensive and rigorous curriculum that covers all areas of interior design specialization. Receive rigorous technical training that will help you master 3D drawing, modeling, and rendering software. Learn photography and image editing techniques that will enable you to master scales and proportions, setup, and lighting; and understand materials and the importance of color.

With this degree you will also develop a critical vision that will allow you to work on complex programs and solve problems at all levels. In addition, you will be able to enjoy exciting activities outside the classroom and discover how design companies and leading experts in the sector work on a daily basis.

El Grado en Diseño y Arquitectura de interiores se puede estudiar tanto en español como en inglés. Para la modalidad en inglés deberás tener nivel B2 o equivalente y superar una entrevista de admisión. 

Learn from a team of industry professionals with a comprehensive mastery of design and image.

We are committed to real and effective training. We bring you closer to the professional environment through internships in national and international companies and studios with which we have agreements: Loewe, CBRE, Estudio Lamela, OAOB among many others.

If you want to improve your work experience before finishing your university education, you can also do an extracurricular internship.

To train as an interior designer you need the right space. For four years, you will research and develop ideas around the creation, rehabilitation and reinvention of new and existing buildings and spaces. The Institute of Technology has a multitude of spaces and classrooms prepared for you to receive the best experimental and collaborative learning:

  • FabLab CEU
  • Model workshop
  • Final Project Workshop 
  • Classrooms for life drawing and analysis of architectural forms
  • Construction materials research and teaching laboratories
  • Virtual Reality Laboratory.
  • Laboratory for research and teaching in building installations
  • Seminars and exhibition halls. 
  • Common spaces and much more.

By studying at CEU San Pablo you will be able to enjoy an international experience tailored to your needs:

  • Take a mobility abroad. We have signed more than 25 agreements (both Erasmus+ and bilateral) with leading foreign universities. You will be able to choose among numerous centers such as University of Edinburg (UK), Politecnico di Milano (Italy), Aalto University (Helsinki), Boston University (USA), Tunghai University, UNAM (Mexico) and many others.
  • Participate in COIL, Collaborative Online International Learning projects, with students from foreign universities.
  • Study an International Online Program (IOP) with Stanford or Arizona University, 100% online, in a convenient and flexible way.
  • Mirror lessons.
  • Learn the language of your choice at the Language Center.

"Thanks to the rigor and demand of the Bachelor’s degree in Architecture in some subjects, CEU students stand out for the graphic and artistic quality of our work."

Sara Fernández Tomar

Alumni of the Bachelor’s degree in Architecture and student of the Master’s degree in Virtual Reality

  • "I would definitely recommend CEU San Pablo to prospective students as it fulfills everything a student looks for in a university. From the social/international life to the educational level and perfect mix between fun and work."

Sama Mohamed Alansary

First-year student of the Bachelor in Architecture


The Institute of Technology has the most modern facilities dedicated to experimental and collaborative learning, and has laboratories, workshop classrooms, design and computer classrooms, virtual reality classrooms, common spaces and much more. Discover it.  

Laboratorio de Estructuras - 1

Structures Laboratory

Zonas de estudio EPS

Zonas de estudio

Instalaciones EPS - Papeleria




Instalaciones EPS - Exterior


Instalaciones EPS - Biblioteca




Laboratorio de Estructuras - 1

Structures Laboratory



Laboratorio de Formas

Forms Laboratory



Laboratorio de Estructuras - 2

Structures Laboratory

Laboratorio de Realidad Virtual

Virtual Reality Lab

Laboratorio de Estructuras - 1

Structures Laboratory

Zonas de estudio EPS

Zonas de estudio

Instalaciones EPS - Papeleria




Instalaciones EPS - Exterior


Instalaciones EPS - Biblioteca




Laboratorio de Estructuras - 1

Structures Laboratory



Laboratorio de Formas

Forms Laboratory



Laboratorio de Estructuras - 2

Structures Laboratory

Laboratorio de Realidad Virtual

Virtual Reality Lab

  • Sara Fernández Tomar

    "Thanks to the rigor and demand of the Bachelor’s degree in Architecture in some subjects, CEU students stand out for the graphic and artistic quality of our work." 

    Sara Fernández Tomar

    Alumni of the Bachelor’s degree in Architecture and student of the Master’s degree in Virtual Reality

  • "I would definitely recommend CEU San Pablo to prospective students as it fulfills everything a student looks for in a university. From the social/international life to the educational level and perfect mix between fun and work." 

    Sama Mohamed Alansary

    First-year student of the Bachelor in Architecture

University life

An unforgettable university experience

The university years are unique and are remembered for the rest of your life. At Universidad CEU San Pablo, we value the importance of this vital stage and we want you to be the protagonist of a memorable experience. That is why we offer you a multitude of activities and services so that you can make the most of your university years. 

Campus Life

We offer you a wide range of free activities on campus and outdoors such as hiking, Ninja Warriors, latest cultural proposals, urban dances, etc. 


Share your interests and concerns with other people in the clubs of eSports, Stock Exchange, Gastronomy, Debate, Fashion, Protocol... 

Professional Careers

A team of career advisors is available to advise you on all matters relating to your professional development. 

Support Program: University Wellbeing Service (SOU)

You have at your disposal a service of psychopedagogical counsellors who will support you in your personal development and academic performance.

Support: Buddy Program

Final year students bring their experience to make your first months at university easier.

Support: GPS Program

Receive mentoring from professors and professionals with solid personal and professional careers. In addition, you will receive master classes on the most in-demand skills in the market.  

Social engagement

It participates in development cooperation projects (national and international), social volunteering and donation campaigns to build a fairer society. 

Pastoral Guidance

Share your faith and take part in pilgrimages, spiritual exercises, celebration of the sacraments, conferences... 

Curso "Diseña TU Futuro"

Activa tu empleabilidad con el programa acelerador de empleabilidad Diseña Tu futuro. Conviértete en un experto en el mercado laboral y en el funcionamiento de las empresas.

We offer you a wide range of free activities on campus and outdoors such as hiking, Ninja Warriors, latest cultural proposals, urban dances, etc. 

Share your interests and concerns with other people in the clubs of eSports, Stock Exchange, Gastronomy, Debate, Fashion, Protocol... 

A team of career advisors is available to advise you on all matters relating to your professional development. 

You have at your disposal a service of psychopedagogical counsellors who will support you in your personal development and academic performance.

Final year students bring their experience to make your first months at university easier.

Receive mentoring from professors and professionals with solid personal and professional careers. In addition, you will receive master classes on the most in-demand skills in the market.  

It participates in development cooperation projects (national and international), social volunteering and donation campaigns to build a fairer society. 

Share your faith and take part in pilgrimages, spiritual exercises, celebration of the sacraments, conferences... 

Activa tu empleabilidad con el programa acelerador de empleabilidad Diseña Tu futuro. Conviértete en un experto en el mercado laboral y en el funcionamiento de las empresas.

Keep up to date with all CEU news on Social Media

We want to connect with you: in our social media you can keep up to date with the latest news of the University. You can find us at:

Type of subjects

Type Credits
Basic training 60 ECTS
Compulsory 165 ECTS
Elective 6 ECTS
External internships 3 ECTS
Final Degree Project 6 ECTS

Further information


Degree favorably verified. Pending implementation in the 23-24 academic year. 

List of subjects

Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Forms Analysis Drawing I 6 Basic training ES / EN Teaching Guide
Introduction to Design 6 Basic training ES Teaching Guide
Representation Systems 6 Basic training ES / EN Teaching Guide
Space Diagram I 6 Basic training ES / EN Teaching Guide
Theory of Light And Colour 6 Basic training ES Teaching Guide
Computer Assisted Drawing I 6 Basic training ES / EN Teaching Guide
Forms Analysis Drawing II 6 Basic training ES / EN Teaching Guide
Space Diagram II 6 Basic training ES Teaching Guide
Contemporary History 6 Compulsory ES / EN --
Design Strategies 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Keys of Contemporary History 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Computer Assisted Drawing II 6 Basic training ES Teaching Guide
History of Art and Design 6 Basic training ES Teaching Guide
Building Construction Materials 6 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Design Studio I 6 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Domestic Spaces Design 6 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Audiovisual Techniques of Expression and Communication for Interior Design 3 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Building Construction Systems I 6 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Design Studio II 6 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Men and Modern World 6 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Men and Modern World 6 Compulsory ES / EN --
Retail Design 6 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Theory and Culture of Design 3 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Building Construction Systems II 6 Compulsory --
Building Systems 6 Compulsory --
Catholic social teaching 6 Compulsory --
Catholic social teaching 6 Compulsory --
Design Studio III 6 Compulsory --
Design Studio IV 6 Compulsory --
Interior Design and Society 3 Compulsory --
Lighting and Electrical Systems Design 6 Compulsory --
Public Space Design 6 Compulsory --
Techniques for Interior Refurbishment and Restoration I 6 Compulsory --
Techniques for Interior Refurbishment and Restoration II 6 Compulsory --
Academic Internship 3 Practicum --
Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Design Studio V 6 Compulsory --
Digital Fabrication in Interior Design 6 Compulsory --
Furniture Design 6 Compulsory --
Garden and Landscape Design 6 Compulsory --
Interior Design Project Management 6 Compulsory --
Legislation Applied to Interior Design 3 Compulsory --
Professional Skills and Management of Interior Design Companies 3 Compulsory --
Scenography 6 Compulsory --
Temporary and Exhibition Space Design 6 Compulsory --
Final Degree Project 6 Final year project --
Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Acoustics Workshop 3 Optional --
Architecture and Interior Spaces Mapping 3 Optional --
Bioclimatic Interior Design Workshop 3 Optional --
Bioethics 3 Optional Teaching Guide
Bioethics 3 Optional --
Great books 3 Optional --
Great books 3 Optional Teaching Guide
Introduction to Christianity 3 Optional Teaching Guide
Introduction to Christianity 3 Optional --
Life Drawing 3 Optional --

*The student must choose between two elective subjects to be taken in the first semester and two electives to be taken in the second semester. 

Additional programmes

Expand your knowledge and dazzle with your profile

Obtaining your degree is the first step towards achieving the future you want. But to make your professional profile shine like no other, you can broaden your knowledge with other courses at Univesidad CEU San Pablo. 


Resultados de aprendizaje


Internships with the best companies to gain work experience

In-company internships

Internships with the best companies to gain work experience

The Bachelor’s degree in Interior Design will allow you to become a professional in different areas. In order to consolidate all the knowledge acquired during your studies, you will have to complete 82 hours of internships in a professional environment. We have agreements with leading national and international companies and studios so that you can choose the one that best suits your interests. 

They collaborate with us:

We have agreements with first class companies. Not only will you learn from the best, but they will add value to your future employability.

Career opportunities

Where can an interior designer work?

Salidas profesionales
Career opportunities

Where can an interior designer work?

Interior designers from Universidad CEU San Pablo will be able to work as creative directors, project directors, interior designers or project managers. The professional opportunities for this degree are found in interior design companies, industrial design, architecture studios, etc.

Learn about the different career opportunities available with this degree: 

Job placement

Graduates of the Bachelor’s degree in Interior Design will have a high level of employability. The best job opportunities are in interior design companies or architecture studios.

Design Your Future Program

Activate your employability from the very first moment

Curso Diseña TU Futuro Universidad CEU San Pablo
Design Your Future Program

Activate your employability from the very first moment

Design YOUR Future is a program to accelerate the employability of undergraduate students, developed by the CEU Employability Advisory Board and Human Resources professionals from future employers. You will acquire fundamental skills and competencies to become the first choice in a selection process.  

This Bachelor’s degree includes key courses that will allow you to know in depth the labor market and the functioning of a company. You will learn what a company is, how it is structured, how to write a resume or how to face a job interview, etc.   

Admission Process

Admission Process

The admission process at our university consists of an assessment of your academic and professional profile, and an interview.

Build your future today, and do it in just 4 steps: 

1. Documentación


Enter the Admissions Portal and fill in the form to start your process.

Reserva de plaza


Have an interview with a professor from your school so that we can get to know you and you can solve all your doubts about the university or the chosen degree.



Once you have received confirmation of your admission, pre-enroll and reserve your place with us.

Entrevista de admisión


Once you receive the results of the EVAU, upload the documentation and formalize your enrollment.

New student profile

To study the Bachelor’s degree in Interior Design it is necessary to have completed high school and have an interest in design in its historical and contemporary manifestations, as well as spatial sensitivity.

Scholarships and Grants

We offer you scholarships and grants because we believe in your talent.

Becas y ayudas
Scholarships and Grants

We offer you scholarships and grants because we believe in your talent.

We want all talented students with the desire to excel to have access to opportunities to develop and achieve the best future. That is why we have created the scholarship and aid program that invests the most in Spain. Find out more about the grants you can access as a student at Universidad CEU San Pablo.   

Prices Academic Year 25-26

Reservation fee*850.00 €850.00 €
Enrolment Fee**1,400.00 €1,400.00 €
Number of credits***60 ECTS60 ECTS
Price per credit**155.00 €170.00 €
Monthly payment1,033.33 €1,133.33 €
Prices9,300.00 €10,200.00 €

* The reservation fee is paid once, when the student enters the university.

** The price of the credit is the same for 1st year and higher courses in the current academic year. In future academic years the price of the credit may be updated.

*** The number of credits refers to the first academic year. This number may vary in subsequent years, depending on the degree program.


Give your career a global reach with an international certificate

Proyección Internacional

Give your career a global reach with an international certificate

At Universidad CEU San Pablo, you can obtain a foreign academic certificate through three types of international programmes:

  1. International Bilingual Programs (IBP)    
  2. International Online Programs (IOP)  
  3. International Professional Programs (IPP)  

This is a unique opportunity to finish your education with an international profile that will open the doors to any job challenge you may set yourself.

Live an enriching experience on a personal and professional level!  

Mobility Programs

Enjoy an international university experience

Movilidad Intenacional
Mobility Programs

Enjoy an international university experience

At Universidad CEU San Pablo, we offer you the opportunity to take one or more mobility trips to universities around the world. You can study in Europe thanks to the Erasmus+ Program or in other countries through Bilateral Exchange Agreements or other special programs.

The students from the Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, at the Institute of Technology (EPS) can move to reference universities such as the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (Austria), the UBA-FADU of Buenos Aires (Argentina), Queensland University of Technology (Australia), among many others.

International internships

International work experience, the perfect career boost

Prácticas internacionales
International internships

International work experience, the perfect career boost

Do an internship abroad with the Erasmus+ Internship Grants. This will allow you to immerse yourself linguistically and culturally, as well as having an enriching experience that will help you both professionally and personally.

Can you imagine everything you can learn with an internship outside Spain? At Universidad CEU San Pablo, we can help you achieve it.

María Antón Barco



Teaching by doctors

Professor Departament Profile
Cantarero García, Guadalupe Architecture and design
Gil Ausin, Miriam
Horcajada Diaz, Daniel Architecture and design
Lafuente Laguna , Alfredo
Martínez García, Diana
Rome Donlo, Antonio
Ruíz Granados, Justo Architecture and design
Sanchiz Álvarez de Toledo, Hipólito Humanities
As a result of Universidad CEU San Pablo's commitment to Quality, the Institute of Technology has a living Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIC), aligned with the SISCAL Guidelines at the Centre level, which ensures the review and continuous improvement of all official Bachelor's and Master's degrees.

First formalised IQAS at the level of Universidad San Pablo-CEU  that guarantees the quality and continuous improvement of its Bachelor's and Master's degrees.


The IQAS is approved at the Centre level where the IQC of each Centre approves proposals for improvement and their follow-up.


Universidad San Pablo-CEU obtains the SISCAL Madri+d model certification for all its centers and Institutional Accreditation for the centers presented.

Acreditacion Madri+d EPS

madrid+d institutional accreditation

Universidad San Pablo-CEU has obtained Institutional Accreditation for the following university centers:

  • Law School 
  • School of Economics and Business 
  • School of Humanities and Communication Sciences 
  • School of Medicine 
  • Institute of Technology 
  • School of Pharmacy 
  • University Institute of European Studies 

IQAS madri+d certification

  • Law School 
  • School of Economics and Business 
  • School of Humanities and Communication Sciences 
  • School of Medicine 
  • School of Pharmacy 
  • Institute of Technology 
  • University Institute of European Studie