Business Administration and Management + Marketing
Logo Universidad CEU San Pablo

Dual Degree in  Business Administration and Management + Marketing

Turn an idea into a business success. From product development to the campaigns that get it off the ground.

Prepare yourself with a complete vision of the business and marketing world

Differentiate yourself and acquire a complete strategic vision of the business world to work in different areas of business activity, both in national and international companies. 

With the Dual Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Management and Marketing at Universidad CEU San Pablo, you will study subjects such as accounting, finance and taxation that will help you gain a good understanding of the general functioning of a company. And you will acquire the necessary skills to become a marketing expert with the ability to create campaigns, develop integrated strategies and respond to rapid changes in the market. Numerous activities and internships complement your studies. You also have the opportunity to study in English, which prepares you to work in an international environment.

With this Dual Bachelor’s degree you will become an agile, creative professional with a global vision of the company that guarantees you multiple job opportunities in the public and private sector. Discover all it has to offer.

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Degree in Administración y Dirección de Empresas and Degree in Marketing


School of Economics and Business




327 ECTS


September 2025


School of Economics and Business


English, Spanish

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Differential values

Why study the Dual Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Marketing at Universidad CEU San Pablo?

At CEU San Pablo, we provide you with a complete training in business management and marketing that will allow you to face any challenge and ensure that organizations achieve the expected results. You will also learn how to use the most commonly used tools in the field of business and marketing, as well as essential cross-cutting skills such as communication, teamwork and critical thinking.

Valores Diferenciales

At CEU San Pablo, we provide you with a complete training in business management and marketing that will allow you to face any challenge and ensure that organizations achieve the expected results. You will also learn how to use the most commonly used tools in the field of business and marketing, as well as essential cross-cutting skills such as communication, teamwork and critical thinking.

The curriculum includes basic training in accounting and business economics, finance, economics, and more advanced specific training in marketing from a global perspective. 
The program has a hands-on approach with group work, marketing simulators, workshops with professionals, university competitions and much more for you to experience first-hand learning.

In addition, the School organizes complementary activities such as the Economic and Business News Program, Professionals in the Classroom, Employment Forum, etc. 

We have an excellent faculty that is linked to the professional field. At CEU San Pablo, you will receive personalized tutoring. And if your academic record stands out from the rest, we have an Excellence Program that will help you to maximize your talent. 

We provide all the means and resources to complement your training with a multitude of activities and specialization seminars: Innovation Week, CEU Emprende, Aula Generali, Club de Finanzas, Deloitte Financial Challenge, Economic and Business News Program, KPMG International Case Competition, Aula IBM...etc.

The implementation of the Aula CEU-EMPRESA and the Codocencia program allows companies to be integrated as co-teachers in specific subjects or, in the case of the Aula CEU Empresa, to carry out specific and complementary training for students. Among the companies with which we have Aula CEU Empresa are IBM, EY, KPMG, ABANTE, GENERALI, NTT data, ACM and SOCIOGRAPH, among others. 

We promote the professional projection of our students through the mentoring of professionals and the Talentum program, which prepares our students for the selection processes in the fields of strategic consulting, investment banking and international private banking.

We have a classroom equipped with Bloomberg terminals, one of the most important economic and financial information applications in the world.

In addition, in all computer classrooms you will be able to use specialized programs and statistical tools for sector analysis and market research.

We also have a business simulation program, which is unique to this University.

  •  This Dual Bachelor’s degree can be studied in both Spanish and English.
  • Two or more semesters at a foreign university. We have more than 130 mobility agreements with the best universities in the world so you can have an international experience (Europe, Asia, America, Australia).
  • And, you also have multiple ways to internationalize your profile: 
    • Study an IBP at Boston University and graduate with a Dual Bachelor’s degree. You can obtain the International Business Certificate issued by Boston University Metropolitan College and your official degree.  
    • Prepare yourself with an International Online Program with Arizona University.
    • Don't miss International Week, with the visit of international university professors who come to teach a subject.  
    • Take advantage of the CEU Language Center, where you can learn or reinforce foreign languages such as English, French, Mandarin Chinese, and German.
    • Global Sales Competition, COILs (Collaborative Online International Learning), where students from different international universities interact and work as a team in an innovative and digital format to develop multidisciplinary projects and other projects with a distinctly international profile. 

El actual acuerdo de colaboración con la Cámara de Comercio permite vincular los estudios universitarios a las empresas mediante colaboraciones tanto en formación como en mentorización en el ámbito del emprendimiento empresarial. Esta alianza estratégica facilita que los estudiantes adquieran conocimientos prácticos y experiencia real en el mundo empresarial, enriqueciendo su formación académica y preparándolos para enfrentar los desafíos del mercado laboral.

A través de este acuerdo, se promueven programas de formación que integran teoría y práctica, permitiendo a los estudiantes aplicar sus conocimientos en entornos empresariales reales. Además, la mentorización por parte de profesionales experimentados ofrece una guía valiosa para los futuros emprendedores.

This Dual Bachelor’s degree includes two Compulsory internship periods so that you can live a real professional experience in the best companies. We also offer you the possibility of doing additional extracurricular internships in Spain or internationally.  

The employability of the Dual Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Management and Marketing ranges between 94% and 96%. Our students manage to work a few months after finishing their studies and are the most demanded by companies.

Hemos creado la Cátedra CEU CEPSA junto a CEPSA, para impulsar la investigación en inteligencia artificial y la transición hacia energías sostenibles. La cátedra se enfocará en aplicar tecnologías avanzadas para optimizar procesos energéticos y formar profesionales capacitados en el sector.


The School of Economics and Business at Universidad CEU San Pablo has interactive classrooms equipped with computers and projectors, co-working areas for student work and a multitude of common spaces.

Instalaciones Economicas - Bloomberg

Bloomberg Classroom

Instalaciones Economicas - Innova

Innova Classroom

Instalaciones Economicas - HyFlex

HyFlex Classrooms

Instalaciones Económicas - Salón Grados

Conference room

Instalaciones Económicas Cafetería


Instalaciones Facultad de Economicas y Empresariales CEU

Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales

Instalaciones Economicas - Hall


International Bilingual Program: get a differential professional profile

International Bilingual Programs

International Bilingual Program: get a differential professional profile

Can you imagine studying at a prestigious American university? With the International Bilingual Program you will be able to complete your studies with exclusive training in the United States. Upon completion, you will receive an official degree in Business Administration and Management, a Bilingual Program Diploma from Universidad CEU San Pablo and a certificate issued by Boston University.

AwardBoston University (International Business Certificate)

Learn alongside the future leaders of the business world at a university with 180 years of history. The CEU-Boston Program is aimed at students from the Schools of Law, Economics and Humanities and Communication Sciences. A unique opportunity to develop a vision of business, leadership, and entrepreneurship, and enhance their development. It consists of 3 intensive modules in Madrid taught by professors from the American university and a one-semester stay at the Metropolitan College of Boston University.  

Excellence Program of the School of Business and Economics. Economics and Business

Programas de Excelencia

Excellence Program of the School of Business and Economics. Economics and Business

If you are a high-achieving student looking to enhance your skills, at CEU we have developed the Excellence Programs for you. They are based on an innovative methodology that focuses on preparation for leadership, training in digital skills, mastery of several languages and providing the professional skills most in demand in the profession. Study your degree at a different level.

  • Miguel Jara

    "CEU San Pablo has given me an incredible experience, surrounding me with people who have made me better. In addition, it has allowed me to grow and go beyond the merely academic."

    Miguel Jara

    Student of the Dual Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration + Marketing.

  • Izaro Salaverria Artola

    "Los profesores muestran gran cercanía y dedicación, mostrándonos casos reales que conectan la teoría con el mundo empresarial. Además, aprovechan los recursos de la Universidad para hacer las clases más interactivas". 

    Izaro Salaverria Artola

    Alumna del Doble Grado de Ade + Marketing

  • Maria Valentina Guiterrez Riestra

    "Decidí estudiar en el CEU por los intercambios que ofrecía y las actividades que el alumno podía realizar durante su formación. Además, gracias a las asignaturas de mi grado he logrado profundizar más en mis capacidades".

    María Valentina Guitierrez Riestra

    Alumna del Doble Grado de Ade + Marketing

  • Paula Mayor Rodriguez

    "La Universidad CEU San Pablo cuenta con profesores muy buenos y atención personalizada lo que transmite mucha confianza al alumno.Además, las clases están bien equilibradas entre teoría y práctica lo que hace que sean más dinámicas".

    Paula Mayor Rodríguez

    Alumna del Doble Grado de Ade + Marketing

  • Marella Paso Giorgi

    "Las clases de mi grado gozan de un ambiente familiar sin dejar de lado la educación y la importancia de la relación profesor-alumno. Además, el acceso a la biblioteca es ideal ya que te permite reservar salas de estudio para estudiar con amigos". 

    Marella Pasio Giorgi

    Alumna del Doble Grado de Ade + Marketing

  • Ana Matas Marianini

    "El profesorado es uno de los puntos fuertes de la Universidad. La mayoría cuenta con una amplia experiencia y traen al aula ejemplos reales de la actualidad. Además, las clases cuentan con un equilibrio entre teoría y práctica lo que permite aplicar lo aprendido".

    Ana Matas Marianini

    Alumna del Doble Grado de Ade + Marketing

  • Elegí el CEU porque era de las pocas universidades que ofrecían la combinación de este doble grado además de ser la referente en el mismo. Las clases tratan de conectar el contenido que se da aplicándolo a la vida real.

  • Esteban ADE+ MK

    La oferta del doble grado de ADE + Marketing además de su ubicación y facilidad de transporte. Las clase, algunas son teóricas y otras prácticas.

    Esteban Xavier Izurieta Larrea

    Alumno del Doble Grado en ADE + Marketing

University life

An unforgettable university experience

The university years are unique and are remembered for the rest of your life. At Universidad CEU San Pablo, we value the importance of this vital stage and we want you to be the protagonist of a memorable experience. That is why we offer you a multitude of activities and services so that you can make the most of your university years. 

Campus Life

We offer you a wide range of free activities on campus and outdoors such as hiking, Ninja Warriors, latest cultural proposals, urban dances, etc. 


Share your interests and concerns with other people in the clubs of eSports, Stock Exchange, Gastronomy, Debate, Fashion, Protocol... 

Professional Careers

A team of career advisors is available to advise you on all matters relating to your professional development. 

Support Program: University Wellbeing Service (SOU)

You have at your disposal a service of psychopedagogical counsellors who will support you in your personal development and academic performance.

Support: Buddy Program

Final year students bring their experience to make your first months at university easier.

Support: GPS Program

Receive mentoring from professors and professionals with solid personal and professional careers. In addition, you will receive master classes on the most in-demand skills in the market.  

Social engagement

It participates in development cooperation projects (national and international), social volunteering and donation campaigns to build a fairer society. 

Pastoral Guidance

Share your faith and take part in pilgrimages, spiritual exercises, celebration of the sacraments, conferences... 

Curso "Diseña TU Futuro"

Activa tu empleabilidad con el programa acelerador de empleabilidad Diseña Tu futuro. Conviértete en un experto en el mercado laboral y en el funcionamiento de las empresas.

We offer you a wide range of free activities on campus and outdoors such as hiking, Ninja Warriors, latest cultural proposals, urban dances, etc. 

Share your interests and concerns with other people in the clubs of eSports, Stock Exchange, Gastronomy, Debate, Fashion, Protocol... 

A team of career advisors is available to advise you on all matters relating to your professional development. 

You have at your disposal a service of psychopedagogical counsellors who will support you in your personal development and academic performance.

Final year students bring their experience to make your first months at university easier.

Receive mentoring from professors and professionals with solid personal and professional careers. In addition, you will receive master classes on the most in-demand skills in the market.  

It participates in development cooperation projects (national and international), social volunteering and donation campaigns to build a fairer society. 

Share your faith and take part in pilgrimages, spiritual exercises, celebration of the sacraments, conferences... 

Activa tu empleabilidad con el programa acelerador de empleabilidad Diseña Tu futuro. Conviértete en un experto en el mercado laboral y en el funcionamiento de las empresas.

Keep up to date with all CEU news on Social Media

We want to connect with you: in our social media you can keep up to date with the latest news of the University. You can find us at:

Also interesting for you


Business Administration and Management

This degree offers our students solid training that is closely linked to the professional activity they will carry out in the future, and helps them acquire the attitudes and skills necessary to work in a globalized and dynamic world and adapt to the highly competitive and constantly evolving economic sector.



The Bachelor's degree in Marketing can turn you into one of the most sought-after profiles by companies that seek to sell, open up to new markets, differentiate themselves and build customer loyalty.

Dual Degree

Economics + Business Administration and Management

The Double Degree in Economics and Business Administration offers you the training to be a professional with an international profile, decisive and fully adapted to the business world.

Dual Degree

Business Intelligence + Business Administration and Management

The double Degree in Business Intelligence + ADE will make you a professional with analytical capacity, with an innovative profile and familiar with data study techniques.


Business Intelligence

The Business Intelligence Degree is the first official undergraduate degree in Spain that has been designed in collaboration with business firms, as Telefónica, a leading company in the technology world, and managers of many other firms, have helped in the choice of courses and the contents.



The Degree in Economics provides theoretical training, but with a clear component applied to the reality surrounding all economic or business activity today.

Dual Degree

Economics + International Relations and European Union

The Double Degree allows you to acquire a solid interdisciplinary academic foundation and an excellent knowledge and understanding of Economics and international relations.

Dual Degree

Law + Business Administration and Management

This double Degree offers you a complete training with which you will receive knowledge of the business reality, which will allow you to make a better legal interpretation of commercial relations, and vice versa.



Learn to interpret the legal, social, economic and cultural reality with the Bachelor's Degree in Law, which allows you to achieve academic and professional excellence.

List of subjects

Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Company law 6 Basic training ES / EN Teaching Guide
Fundamentals of business management 6 Basic training ES / EN Teaching Guide
Mathematics I 6 Basic training ES / EN Teaching Guide
Microeconomics 6 Basic training ES / EN Teaching Guide
Creative thinking 3 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Statistics I 3 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Fundamentals of financial accounting 6 Basic training ES / EN Teaching Guide
Introduction to Marketing 6 Basic training ES / EN Teaching Guide
Keys of contemporary history 6 Basic training ES / EN --
Data analysis tools 3 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Ethics 3 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Marketing communication techniques 3 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Mathematics II 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Consumer behaviour 6 Basic training ES / EN Teaching Guide
Macroeconomics 6 Basic training ES / EN Teaching Guide
Social doctrine of the Church 6 Basic training ES / EN Teaching Guide
Corporate taxation for decision-making 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Product and brand development 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Statistics II 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Usiness Financing 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Economic and business history 6 Basic training ES / EN Teaching Guide
Business accounting and taxation 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Business organisation and design 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Financial management 3 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Integrated marketing communication 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Price management 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Statistical Analysis Tools for the Enterprise 3 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Accounting for decision-making 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Economic policy 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Market studies I 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Predictive statistics 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Trade and retail Marketing 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Applied macroeconomics 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Business and entrepreneurship I 3 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Business and entrepreneurship II 3 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Market studies II 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Multivariate statistics 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Valuation of Asset 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Analysis of financial statements 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Operations management 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Professional conduct 3 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Strategic analysis of the Company 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Innovation and quality at organisations 6 Optional ES / EN Teaching Guide
Corporate strategies at the Company 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Economics for the 21st century 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Logistics and physical distribution 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Personnel management 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Trabajo Fin Grado (ADE) 6 Compulsory SPA Teaching Guide
Academic internship 12 Practicum ES Teaching Guide
Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Relationship marketing 3 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Sales management 6 Compulsory EN Teaching Guide
Prácticas externas (GMK) 12 Prácticas Externas SPA Teaching Guide
Análisis del entorno económico 6 Compulsory SPA Teaching Guide
Commercial simulation 3 Compulsory Teaching Guide
Derecho de la competencia y la publicidad comercial 6 Compulsory SPA Teaching Guide
Digital marketing 6 Compulsory Teaching Guide
International marketing 6 Compulsory Teaching Guide
Marketing Audit 3 Compulsory Teaching Guide
Sustainable development 3 Compulsory Teaching Guide
Trabajo Fin Grado (GMK) 6 Trabajo Fin de Grado SPA Teaching Guide

List of subjects

Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Fundamentals of Business Management 6 Basic training ES / EN Teaching Guide
Introduction to Financial Accounting 6 Basic training ES Teaching Guide
Statistics I 6 Basic training ES Teaching Guide
Business Civil Law 6 Basic training Teaching Guide
Computer Science 6 Basic training Teaching Guide
Economic Theory I 6 Basic training Teaching Guide
Economic Theory II 6 Basic training Teaching Guide
Fundamentals of Marketing 6 Basic training Teaching Guide
History and Society 6 Basic training Teaching Guide
Mathematics I 6 Compulsory Teaching Guide
Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Business Management and Organisation I 6 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Consumer Behaviour 6 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Cost Accounting 6 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Economic Policy 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Financial Accounting 6 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Macroeconomic and Monetary Theory 6 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Structure and International Markets 6 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Modern Language 6 Basic training ES Teaching Guide
Business Management and Organisation II 6 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Mathematics II 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
The Spanish and Comparative Tax Systems I 6 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Balance-Sheet Analysis 6 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Business Finance 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Commercial Distribution 6 Compulsory ES --
Commercial Management and Administration 9 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Economic History 6 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Financial Management 6 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Market Research in Marketing I 6 Compulsory ES / EN --
Statistics and Business Econometrics 9 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Commercial Logistics 6 Compulsory ES --
Financial Instruments 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Operational Company Management 6 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Consumer Behaviour 6 Compulsory Teaching Guide
Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Business Policy 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Commercial Information and Communication 6 Compulsory ES --
E-commerce 6 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Professional Deontology and Ethics in Business 6 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
The Spanish and Comparative Tax Systems II 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Corporate Finance 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Human Resources Management 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Advertising Management 6 Compulsory ES --
Business Strategy Management 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Information Systems for Management 6 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Merchandising 6 Compulsory ES --
External Work Experience 12 Practicum ES Teaching Guide
Final Degree Project 6 Final year project ES Teaching Guide
Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Commercial Simulation 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
International Marketing 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
Marketing Estratégico 6 Compulsory SPA / ENG Teaching Guide
Estudios de Mercado en Marketing II 6 Compulsory SPA / ENG Teaching Guide
Sales Management 6 Compulsory ES / EN Teaching Guide
External Work Experience 12 Practicum ES Teaching Guide
Final Degree Project 6 Final year project ES Teaching Guide
Additional programmes

Expand your knowledge and dazzle with your profile

Obtaining your degree is the first step towards achieving the future you want. But to make your professional profile shine like no other, you can broaden your knowledge with other courses at Univesidad CEU San Pablo. 


Knows all aspects of business management and understands how markets work

At Universidad CEU San Pablo, we care about teaching you the necessary knowledge to perform any profession related to business administration and marketing. In addition, we emphasize that you acquire the skills most in demand by companies: resilience, innovation, creativity, adaptation, commitment...  

These are some of the Competences that you will be able to acquire by studying this Dual Bachelor’s degree:

Competencias Facultad de Econímicas

At Universidad CEU San Pablo, we care about teaching you the necessary knowledge to perform any profession related to business administration and marketing. In addition, we emphasize that you acquire the skills most in demand by companies: resilience, innovation, creativity, adaptation, commitment...  

These are some of the Competences that you will be able to acquire by studying this Dual Bachelor’s degree:

To study the globalized environment and how it affects organizations, the instrumental elements to be taken into account in business decision making, as well as their appropriate interpretation. To understand and apply mathematical models that allow the design of economic models that facilitate decision making in business organizations. 

Develop leadership skills and entrepreneurial spirit. Lead teams, manage changes to anticipate the business environment, find creative solutions. Develop the ability to carry out critical analysis in quantitative and qualitative terms, including data analysis, digitization and interpretation and extrapolation to the concrete business reality. 

Apply professional criteria and understand the competitive and institutional positioning of the organization by identifying its strengths and weaknesses. To foster the capacity for self-criticism, diversity management and social responsibility. 

Develop listening, negotiation, creativity, persuasion, and effective oral and written communication skills. To master the English language, as well as other relevant languages in the business world, in the context of the discipline and professional performance. 

To be able to use computer tools, specific to the marketing area of a company, to extract data. To have the ability to perform data analysis and its interpretation and extrapolation to the specific business reality for better decision making. To know and use statistical and/or econometric techniques that allow the modeling and analysis of markets. 

To prepare and present reports on specific business and market situations. To acquire the necessary skills for the use of business digitalization. To identify sources of relevant economic information. Incorporate artificial intelligence and innovation into the different areas of companies. 

Apply the accounting technique to record the operations carried out by the company throughout its economic cycle. Quantify and assess the fiscal impact of economic decisions and propose those actions that are more favorable from a tax perspective. 

To develop the capacity for analysis and synthesis of the business reality, considering the person as the center of society. To be aware of the importance of responsible management towards all stakeholders: employees, customers, suppliers, and society in general. 

Internships in companies

Double internship period

In-company internships
Internships in companies

Double internship period

During the last two Academic years, you will be required to complete internships in companies. In this way, you will be able to consolidate your knowledge, give a new focus to your learning, expand your network of contacts and improve your profile to apply for the best professional opportunities. We have agreements for internships with leading companies. Companies such as Samsung, Inditex, Coca-Cola, Telefónica, Mahou San Miguel, and El Corte Inglés are waiting for you.

Colaboran con nosotros

En la Universidad San Pablo CEU tenemos más de 9.000 acuerdos de prácticas a nivel nacional e internacional.

Lombard Odier
Mutua Madrileña
Mahou San Miguel
NTT Data
Career opportunities

A versatile professional profile

Salidas profesionales para el Grado en Arte Digital
Career opportunities

A versatile professional profile

The Dual Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration + Marketing allows you to acquire the Competences and skills required to develop in the world of business, economics and communication. This opens the door to work in different areas of activity: purchasing, production, marketing, accounting, sales, human resources, management, finance, etc. 

You will be able to access opportunities nationally or internationally in companies of all sizes and sectors, so the job options are almost endless. These are some of them: 

Job placement

This Dual Bachelor’s degree has a job placement rate of between 94% and 96%, which means that students who choose the Dual Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Marketing are sure to find a job at the end of their studies.

Design Your Future Program

Activate your employability from the very first moment

Curso Diseña TU Futuro Universidad CEU San Pablo
Design Your Future Program

Activate your employability from the very first moment

Design YOUR Future is a program to accelerate the employability of undergraduate students, developed by the CEU Employability Advisory Board and Human Resources professionals from future employers. You will acquire fundamental skills and competencies to become the first choice in a selection process.  

This Bachelor’s degree includes key courses that will allow you to know in depth the labor market and the functioning of a company. You will learn what a company is, how it is structured, how to write a resume or how to face a job interview, etc.   

Admission Process

Admission Process

The admission process at our university consists of an assessment of your academic and professional profile, and an interview.

Build your future today, and do it in just 4 steps: 

1. Documentación


Enter the Admissions Portal and fill in the form to start your process.

Reserva de plaza


Have an interview with a professor from your school so that we can get to know you and you can solve all your doubts about the university or the chosen degree.



Once you have received confirmation of your admission, pre-enroll and reserve your place with us.

Entrevista de admisión


Once you receive the results of the EVAU, upload the documentation and formalize your enrollment.

New student profile

Do you want to work in the world of business and marketing? If you are interested in training for the challenges of the future, learning to innovate and lead projects, both national and international, this Dual Bachelor’s degree is for you.  

Scholarships and Grants

We offer you scholarships and grants because we believe in your talent.

Becas y ayudas
Scholarships and Grants

We offer you scholarships and grants because we believe in your talent.

We want all talented students with the desire to excel to have access to opportunities to develop and achieve the best future. That is why we have created the scholarship and aid program that invests the most in Spain. Find out more about the grants you can access as a student at Universidad CEU San Pablo.   

Prices Academic Year 25-26

Reservation fee*850.00 €850.00 €
Enrolment Fee**1,900.00 €1,900.00 €
Number of credits***63 ECTS63 ECTS
Price per credit**190.00 €215.00 €
Monthly payment1,330.00 €1,505.00 €
Prices11,970.00 €13,545.00 €

* The reservation fee is paid once, when the student enters the university.

** The price of the credit is the same for 1st year and higher courses in the current academic year. In future academic years the price of the credit may be updated.

*** The number of credits refers to the first academic year. This number may vary in subsequent years, depending on the degree program.


Give your career a global reach with an international certificate

Proyección Internacional

Give your career a global reach with an international certificate

At Universidad CEU San Pablo, you can obtain a foreign academic certificate through three types of international programmes:

  1. International Bilingual Programs (IBP)    
  2. International Online Programs (IOP)  
  3. International Professional Programs (IPP)  

This is a unique opportunity to finish your education with an international profile that will open the doors to any job challenge you may set yourself.

Live an enriching experience on a personal and professional level!  

Mobility Programs

Give your career an international projection!

Movilidad Intenacional
Mobility Programs

Give your career an international projection!

Universidad CEU San Pablo offers you the opportunity to take one or more mobility programs to universities around the world. You can study in European universities thanks to the Erasmus+ Program or in universities outside Europe through Bilateral Exchange Agreements.   

By studying at the School of Economics and Business you can benefit from more than 130 mobility agreements to universities such as Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Universidad de los Andes or Catholic University of America, among many others.  

International internships

International work experience, the perfect career boost

Prácticas internacionales
International internships

International work experience, the perfect career boost

Do an internship abroad with the Erasmus+ Internship Grants. This will allow you to immerse yourself linguistically and culturally, as well as having an enriching experience that will help you both professionally and personally.

Can you imagine everything you can learn with an internship outside Spain? At Universidad CEU San Pablo, we can help you achieve it.

Professor Departament Profile
As a result of Universidad CEU San Pablo's commitment to Quality, the School of Economics and Business has a living Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIC), aligned with the SISCAL Guidelines at the Centre level, which ensures the review and continuous improvement of all official Bachelor's and Master's degrees.

First formalised IQAS at the level of Universidad San Pablo-CEU  that guarantees the quality and continuous improvement of its Bachelor's and Master's degrees.


The IQAS is approved at the Centre level where the IQC of each Centre approves proposals for improvement and their follow-up.


Universidad San Pablo-CEU obtains the SISCAL Madri+d model certification for all its centers and Institutional Accreditation for the centers presented.

SISCAL Madri+d Fac. Economicas

Certificación SISCAL madri+d

  • Law School
  • School of Economics and Business
  • School of Humanities and Communication Sciences
  • School of Medicine
  • School of Pharmacy
  • Institute of Technology
  • University Institute for European Studies

Acreditación institucional madrid+d

La Universidad San Pablo-CEU ha obtenido la Acreditación Institucional de los siguientes centros universitarios:

  • Facultad de Derecho
  • Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
  • Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Comunicación
  • Facultad de Medicina
  • Escuela Politécnica Superior
  • Facultad de Farmacia
  • Instituto Universitario de Estudios Europeos