Logo Universidad CEU San Pablo

Degree in  Dentistry

Learn hands-on from the first course in the advanced simulation labs. In English or Spanish.

Full places for the Bachelor's degree in English. Academic year 2025-2026. Join the waiting list now.

Acquire the skills needed to be a good dentist.

Dentistry has experienced constant technological advances in recent years that allow better diagnoses and treatments. At CEU, we understand the importance of being up to date with all the innovations and we offer the best training. 

The Bachelor’s degree in Dentistry at Universidad CEU San Pablo provides you with a solid and updated scientific, clinical and humanistic training so that you will be able not only to make a diagnosis and apply the most innovative treatments to the patient, but also to promote preventive oral health plans. To this end, we offer rigorous practical training from the very beginning, both in advanced simulation laboratories and in dental offices and in our University Polyclinic equipped with state-of-the-art technology. You will learn in small groups with a highly specialized faculty with extensive professional and teaching experience.  

You can study the Degree in Dentistry in Spanish or English and also make a mobility to one of the universities of reference with which we have agreements. Are you ready to build your future as a dentist? At CEU San Pablo, we are with you. 

School of Medicine Brochure (spanish only)
Request information
Fields marked as (*) are mandatory

Official Name

Degree in Dentistry


Facultad de Medicina




300 ECTS


September 2025


Facultad de Medicina




Spanish, English

Differential values

Why study Dentistry at Universidad CEU San Pablo?

For more than 15 years we have been training future dentists committed to an innovative academic program that integrates a strong theoretical, technical, and human component. In addition, you will have the opportunity to learn with first class experts who will guide you and give you personalized attention. 


Valores Diferenciales

For more than 15 years we have been training future dentists committed to an innovative academic program that integrates a strong theoretical, technical, and human component. In addition, you will have the opportunity to learn with first class experts who will guide you and give you personalized attention. 


At Universidad San Pablo CEU, you will receive the highest quality scientific training and you will also receive training in skills, key to practice as a dentist in the society of the 21st century. All this is possible thanks to an excellent combination of theoretical and practical training.  

In addition, the study program includes in the 5th year Elective such as Marketing and Management of Dental Clinics or Primary Care in Dentistry that will allow you to complete your professional profile. 


We place special emphasis on clinical preparation with the highest number of hours of face-to-face clinical practice. 

  • More than 1,300 hours of pre-clinical and clinical practice. 
  • Curricular internship with patients (3rd year). 
  • More than 650 hours of internship at the CEU University Polyclinic from 3rd year as assistants to 4th and 5th year students.    

The clinical teaching of dentistry is taught in leading hospitals accredited for clinical teaching, as well as in the CEU San Pablo Polyclinic.  


Universidad CEU San Pablo Polyclinic is an academic space where you can treat real cases under the supervision of professors. More than 2,500 square meters with 45 dentistry boxes with cutting-edge technology, state-of-the-art dental chairs with intraoral radiology, digital developing system, radiodiagnostic service equipped with a room with an orthopantomograph, a room with a CT scanner and much more.  

You will be able to study the Bachelor’s degree in Dentistry entirely in English. And if you want to internationalize your profile even more, you have multiple options such as studying at the language school, taking an international program or a mobility program at one of the leading universities in dentistry such as Charles University (Czech Republic), Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata (Italy) or the University of Massachusetts (USA), among others. 

During your studies, you will receive personalized tutorial support from a teaching team that combines teaching with their professional healthcare activity. 


Once you finish your bachelor’s degree in Dentistry, you can continue your specialization by taking one of the prestigious masters that make up our offer.


Students will have access to all the material resources and services of the School of Medicine.

Instalaciones Medicina - Laboratorio Odontología

Dental Laboratory

Instalaciones gabinete odontologia Universidad CEU San Pablo

Gabinete Odontología

Aula simulacion odontologia Universidad CEU San Pablo

Simulación Odontología

Instalaciones Medicina - Hall


Laboratorio de prácticas odontologia Universidad CEU San Pablo

Laboratorio de prácticas

Instalaciones Medicina - Laboratorio Odontología

Dental Laboratory

Instalaciones gabinete odontologia Universidad CEU San Pablo

Gabinete Odontología

Aula simulacion odontologia Universidad CEU San Pablo

Simulación Odontología

Instalaciones Medicina - Hall


Laboratorio de prácticas odontologia Universidad CEU San Pablo

Laboratorio de prácticas

  • Pablo Magueregui. Alumno de Odontología

    "CEU offers a different kind of training, all thanks to a good atmosphere that surrounds the classrooms and hallways. We are all rowing in the same direction of wanting to learn while growing as people."  

    Pablo Maguregui

    Student of the Bachelor’s degree in Dentistry

  • Riad Odontología

    La calidad de enseñanza y la infraestructura de los edificios como laboratorios , gabinetes… Lo que más me llamó la atención son las prácticas, practicas mucho, lo que te permite tener más experiencia y desarrollar una habilidad manual que es primordial en mi carrera.

    Riad El Alami

    Alumno del Grado en Odontología

  • MAría Galdo Leyva - Alumna del Grado en Odontología

    "From the Bachelor’s degree in Dentistry I would highlight all the practices that are carried out. You learn a lot in these internships, thus using all the knowledge from the theoretical classes. In addition, CEU has very good facilities and gives you the opportunity to deal with real patients." 

    María Galdo Leyva

    Student of the 2nd year of the Bachelor’s degree in Dentistry.

  • Rodrigo Soto

    Las instalaciones y la amplia oferta de prácticas fueron las razones por las que me decanté a estudiar en el CEU. Las clases son tanto teóricas como prácticas, en las cuales hemos llegado a ver a pacientes. Sin duda, destacaría la gran formación y la cercanía del profesorado. 

    Rodrigo Soto

    Alumno del Grado en Odontología

  • "In the Bachelor’s degree in Dentistry, the faculty is dedicated to helping enhance the skills, knowledge and values of each student, focusing them correctly towards what the world of work demands. They are in charge of squeezing the most out of our abilities, interests and passions." 

    Marta Vivas Redondo

    1st year student of the Bachelor’s degree in Dentistry

University life

An unforgettable university experience

The university years are unique and are remembered for the rest of your life. At Universidad CEU San Pablo, we value the importance of this vital stage and we want you to be the protagonist of a memorable experience. That is why we offer you a multitude of activities and services so that you can make the most of your university years. 

Campus Life

We offer you a wide range of free activities on campus and outdoors such as hiking, Ninja Warriors, latest cultural proposals, urban dances, etc. 


Share your interests and concerns with other people in the clubs of eSports, Stock Exchange, Gastronomy, Debate, Fashion, Protocol... 

Professional Careers

A team of career advisors is available to advise you on all matters relating to your professional development. 

Support Program: University Wellbeing Service (SOU)

You have at your disposal a service of psychopedagogical counsellors who will support you in your personal development and academic performance.

Support: Buddy Program

Final year students bring their experience to make your first months at university easier.

Support: GPS Program

Receive mentoring from professors and professionals with solid personal and professional careers. In addition, you will receive master classes on the most in-demand skills in the market.  

Social engagement

It participates in development cooperation projects (national and international), social volunteering and donation campaigns to build a fairer society. 

Pastoral Guidance

Share your faith and take part in pilgrimages, spiritual exercises, celebration of the sacraments, conferences... 

Curso "Diseña TU Futuro"

Activa tu empleabilidad con el programa acelerador de empleabilidad Diseña Tu futuro. Conviértete en un experto en el mercado laboral y en el funcionamiento de las empresas.

We offer you a wide range of free activities on campus and outdoors such as hiking, Ninja Warriors, latest cultural proposals, urban dances, etc. 

Share your interests and concerns with other people in the clubs of eSports, Stock Exchange, Gastronomy, Debate, Fashion, Protocol... 

A team of career advisors is available to advise you on all matters relating to your professional development. 

You have at your disposal a service of psychopedagogical counsellors who will support you in your personal development and academic performance.

Final year students bring their experience to make your first months at university easier.

Receive mentoring from professors and professionals with solid personal and professional careers. In addition, you will receive master classes on the most in-demand skills in the market.  

It participates in development cooperation projects (national and international), social volunteering and donation campaigns to build a fairer society. 

Share your faith and take part in pilgrimages, spiritual exercises, celebration of the sacraments, conferences... 

Activa tu empleabilidad con el programa acelerador de empleabilidad Diseña Tu futuro. Conviértete en un experto en el mercado laboral y en el funcionamiento de las empresas.

Keep up to date with all CEU news on Social Media

We want to connect with you: in our social media you can keep up to date with the latest news of the University. You can find us at:

Type of subjects

Type Credits
Basic training 78 ECTS
Compulsory 178 ECTS
Elective 6 ECTS
External internships 32 ECTS
Final Degree Project 6 ECTS

Further information


The Community of Madrid authorized the implementation of this degree from the 2021 - 2022 academic year. 

List of subjects

Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Biology 6 Basic training EN / ES Teaching Guide
Human Anatomy 6 Basic training EN / ES Teaching Guide
Keys to Contemporary History 6 Basic training EN / ES Teaching Guide
Psychology and Communication 6 Basic training EN / ES Teaching Guide
Introduction to Dentistry 6 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Genetics and Biochemistry 6 Basic training EN / ES Teaching Guide
Man and the Modern World 6 Basic training EN / ES Teaching Guide
Physiology 6 Basic training EN / ES Teaching Guide
History of Dentistry and Good Practices 6 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Prevention and Public Health 6 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Introduction to Research and Statistics 6 Basic training EN / ES Teaching Guide
Microbiology and Immunology 6 Basic training EN / ES Teaching Guide
Modern lenguaje for dentist 6 Basic training EN / ES Teaching Guide
The Social Doctrine of the Church 6 Basic training EN / ES Teaching Guide
Biomaterials 6 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Histology and Pathological Anatomy 6 Basic training EN / ES Teaching Guide
Pharmacology 6 Basic training EN / ES Teaching Guide
Anaesthetics and Reanimation 3 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Basic Periodontics 6 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Head and Neck Anatomy 3 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
General Medical Pathology 6 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Paediatric Dentistry I 6 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Dental Pathology and Therapeutics I 14 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Orthodontics I 12 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Prosthetics I 12 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Surgical Oral Pathology 12 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Practicum I 4 Practicum EN / ES Teaching Guide

***Year pending implementation***

Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Advanced Periodontics and Implantology 6 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Prosthetics II 6 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Special Patients and Gerodontology 5 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Prosthetics III 6 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Paediatric Dentistry II 6 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Prosthetic Implants 3 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Dental Pathology and Therapeutics II 12 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Medical Oral Pathology 6 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Orthodontics II 6 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Practicum II 4 Practicum EN / ES Teaching Guide

***Year pending implementation** 

Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Advances in the Pathology of the TMJ 3 Compulsory --
Aesthetic Odontology 3 Compulsory --
Community Dentistry 6 Compulsory --
Legal and Forensic Dentistry 3 Compulsory --
Maxillofacial Surgery 6 Compulsory --
Radiology and Radiological Protection 3 Compulsory --
Integrated Clinic 24 Practicum --
Graduation Project 6 Final year project --
Bioethics 3 Optional --
Complex Endodontics 3 Optional --
Dentistry Science and Trends 3 Optional --
Foundations of the Healthcare Economy and Management of Health Resources 3 Optional --
Great Books 3 Optional --
Health and oral microbiota 3 Optional --
Introduction to Christianity 3 Optional --
Language II 3 Optional --
Marketing and Management of Dentist Clinics 3 Optional --
Primary Care in Dentistry 3 Optional --

*The student must take 6 elective ECTS: Elective A (3 ECTS) and Elective B (3 ECTS). 
***Year pending implementation***

Type of subjects

Type Credits
Basic training 63 ECTS
Compulsory 201 ECTS
Elective 6 ECTS
External internships 24 ECTS
Final Degree Project 6 ECTS

Further information


The Community of Madrid authorized the implementation of this Degree since the 2010 - 2011 academic year. Favorably modified in the 2014-2015 academic year. 

List of subjects

Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Anthropology 6 Basic training Teaching Guide
Biochemistry 6 Basic training Teaching Guide
Biology 6 Basic training Teaching Guide
Human Anatomy 9 Basic training Teaching Guide
Introduction to Research and Statistics 6 Basic training Teaching Guide
Physiology 6 Basic training Teaching Guide
Psychology 6 Basic training Teaching Guide
History of Dentistry 3 Compulsory Teaching Guide
Introduction to Dentistry 6 Compulsory Teaching Guide
Prevention and Public Health 6 Compulsory Teaching Guide
Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church 6 Basic training EN / ES Teaching Guide
Biomaterials 6 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Immunology 3 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Microbiology 3 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Pharmacology 6 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Histology and Pathological Anatomy 6 Basic training Teaching Guide
Modern Languages 6 Basic training Teaching Guide
Anaesthesia and Reanimation 3 Compulsory Teaching Guide
Basic Periodontology 6 Compulsory Teaching Guide
General Pathology 6 Compulsory Teaching Guide
Medical Emergencies and Urgencies 3 Compulsory Teaching Guide
Physiopathology and Surgical Fundamentals 3 Compulsory Teaching Guide
Surgical Emergencies 3 Compulsory Teaching Guide
Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Dental Pathology and Therapeutics I 6 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Oral Surgical Pathology I 6 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Orthodontics I 6 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Paediatric Dentistry I 6 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Prostheses I 6 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Dental Pathology and Therapeutics II 6 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Gerodontology 2 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Oral Surgical Pathology II 6 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Orthodontics II 6 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Prostheses II 6 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Special Patients 4 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Advanced Periodontology 2 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Dental Pathology and Therapeutics III 6 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Implantology 4 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Oral Medical Pathology I 3 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Orthodontics III 3 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Paediatric Oral Surgery 6 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Prostheses III 6 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Cosmetic Dentistry 3 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Dental Pathology and Therapeutics IV 6 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Implants 3 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Oral Medical Pathology II 3 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Orthodontics IV 3 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Paediatric Dentistry II 6 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Prostheses IV 6 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Advances in TMJ Pathology 3 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Community Dentistry 6 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Radiology 3 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Integrated Clinic I 12 Practicum EN / ES Teaching Guide
Final Degree Project I 3 Final year project EN / ES Teaching Guide
Ethics and Deontology 3 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Forensic Dentistry 3 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Maxillofacial Surgery 6 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Integrated Clinic II 12 Practicum EN / ES Teaching Guide
Final Degree Project II 3 Final year project EN / ES Teaching Guide
Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Foundations of Economics and Health Resource Management 3 Optional EN / ES Teaching Guide
Science and Trends in Dentistry 3 Optional ES Teaching Guide
Language II 3 Optional EN / ES Teaching Guide
Marketing and Management of Dental Clinics 3 Optional EN / ES Teaching Guide
Primary Care in Dentistry 3 Optional ES Teaching Guide
3 Optional
6 Optional
Additional programmes

Expand your knowledge and dazzle with your profile

Obtaining your degree is the first step towards achieving the future you want. But to make your professional profile shine like no other, you can broaden your knowledge with other courses at Univesidad CEU San Pablo. 


People-oriented dentistry

Dentists are not only trained to diagnose, treat and prevent diseases in the mouth. They must also have knowledge of medicine, dermatology, pharmacy, surgical instrumentation, and even plastic surgery. And, of Year, skills to treat patients appropriately. These are some of the competences you will learn when you study the Bachelor’s degree in Dentistry at CEU San Pablo:  

Competencia Grado en Odontología

Dentists are not only trained to diagnose, treat and prevent diseases in the mouth. They must also have knowledge of medicine, dermatology, pharmacy, surgical instrumentation, and even plastic surgery. And, of Year, skills to treat patients appropriately. These are some of the competences you will learn when you study the Bachelor’s degree in Dentistry at CEU San Pablo:  

To understand the basic biomedical sciences on which dentistry is based to ensure proper oral health care, as well as the structure and normal function of the stomatognathic apparatus, at the molecular, cellular, tissue and organic level, in the different stages of life. To emphasize the importance of prevention and pediatric dentistry. 

To learn the knowledge of general disease processes, including infection, inflammation, immune system alterations, degeneration, neoplasia, metabolic alterations, and genetic disorders; as well as the general pathological characteristics of diseases and disorders affecting organ systems, specifically those with oral repercussions.  

Acquire the skills to obtain and elaborate a clinical history containing all relevant information and to establish the diagnosis, prognosis and adequate therapeutic planning in all clinical areas of dentistry.  

Understand the essential elements of the dental profession, including ethical principles and legal responsibilities, as well as the importance of these principles for the benefit of the patient, society, and the profession, with special attention to professional confidentiality.

Develop the skills to plan and perform multidisciplinary, sequential, and integrated dental treatments for patients of all ages and conditions, also taking into account those patients requiring special care.

To study the determinants of oral health in the population, both genetic and lifestyle-dependent, demographic, environmental, social, economic, psychological, and cultural; likewise, the role of the dentist in the prevention and protection against oral diseases will be recognized.

Internships in companies

Professional internships connected to the profession

In-company internships
Internships in companies

Professional internships connected to the profession

During your training, you will practice in environments as close to reality as possible and you will work with the latest simulation and virtual reality technologies. In addition, at USP CEU we have a University Polyclinic where you will receive classes and attend to real users with low and high complexity pathologies. From the third year onwards, internships will be transferred to dental offices, hospital care services and other clinics. And between the 4th and 5th year, you will work with real patients and gain a lot of experience in the treatment of different pathologies. 

They collaborate with us:

We have internship agreements in important first line hospitals or in dental clinics such as Élite Dental.  

Bristol Myers Squibb
Icon Group
Orpea Groupe
Career opportunities

Dentist, a profession with high social demand

Salidas profesionales - Grado en Odontología
Career opportunities

Dentist, a profession with high social demand

The Bachelor’s degree in Dentistry allows access to a single profile, the dentist, who can later move on to other professional activities. From the most classic ones, such as working on your Exclusive account with your Exclusive dental clinic or for others in public or private care, to developing activity in new lines of research or teaching. And thanks to the international vocation of our University, you will be able to practice both within and outside our borders.  

Current legislation establishes the profession of Dentist as a regulated profession whose practice, in accordance with the provisions of Article 12.9 of Royal Decree 1393/2007, which establishes the organization of official university education, requires the possession of the corresponding official undergraduate degree, obtained in accordance with the conditions established by the Government in the Agreement of the Council of Ministers of February 8, 2008, published in the Official State Gazette of February 27, 2008.  

These are some of the professional opportunities of the degree:  

Job placement

The job placement rate of the Bachelor’s degree in Dentistry at Universidad CEU San Pablo is over 97%. If you also want to work in what you like, now is the time to join one of the best universities in Spain. 

Design Your Future Program

Activate your employability from the very first moment

Curso Diseña TU Futuro Universidad CEU San Pablo
Design Your Future Program

Activate your employability from the very first moment

Design YOUR Future is a program to accelerate the employability of undergraduate students, developed by the CEU Employability Advisory Board and Human Resources professionals from future employers. You will acquire fundamental skills and competencies to become the first choice in a selection process.  

This Bachelor’s degree includes key courses that will allow you to know in depth the labor market and the functioning of a company. You will learn what a company is, how it is structured, how to write a resume or how to face a job interview, etc.   

Admission Process

Admission Process

The admission process at our university consists of an assessment of your academic and professional profile, and an interview.

Build your future today, and do it in just 4 steps: 

1. Documentación


Enter the Admissions Portal and fill in the form to start your process.

Reserva de plaza


Have an interview with a professor from your school so that we can get to know you and you can solve all your doubts about the university or the chosen degree.



Once you have received confirmation of your admission, pre-enroll and reserve your place with us.

Entrevista de admisión


Once you receive the results of the EVAU, upload the documentation and formalize your enrollment.

New student profile

If you have a vocation for service in health activities related to oral health, interest in science, work capacity and you are a person with attention to detail and personal initiative, we present below the requirements to access the Degree in Dentistry at Universidad CEU San Pablo.

Scholarships and Grants

We offer you scholarships and grants because we believe in your talent.

Becas y ayudas
Scholarships and Grants

We offer you scholarships and grants because we believe in your talent.

We want all talented students with the desire to excel to have access to opportunities to develop and achieve the best future. That is why we have created the scholarship and aid program that invests the most in Spain. Find out more about the grants you can access as a student at Universidad CEU San Pablo.   

Prices Academic Year 25-26

Reservation fee*1,500.00 €1,500.00 €
Enrolment Fee**1,400.00 €1,400.00 €
Number of credits***60 ECTS60 ECTS
Price per credit**300.00 €370.00 €
Monthly payment2,000.00 €2,466.67 €
Prices18,000.00 €22,200.00 €

* The reservation fee is paid once, when the student enters the university.

** The price of the credit is the same for 1st year and higher courses in the current academic year. In future academic years the price of the credit may be updated.

*** The number of credits refers to the first academic year. This number may vary in subsequent years, depending on the degree program.


Give your career a global reach with an international certificate

Proyección Internacional

Give your career a global reach with an international certificate

At Universidad CEU San Pablo, you can obtain a foreign academic certificate through three types of international programmes:

  1. International Bilingual Programs (IBP)    
  2. International Online Programs (IOP)  
  3. International Professional Programs (IPP)  

This is a unique opportunity to finish your education with an international profile that will open the doors to any job challenge you may set yourself.

Live an enriching experience on a personal and professional level!  

Mobility Programs

Give your career an international projection!

Movilidad Intenacional
Mobility Programs

Give your career an international projection!

Universidad CEU San Pablo offers you the opportunity to carry out one or more mobility programs during your studies at leading universities around the world. You can study in European universities with the Erasmus+ Program or outside Europe, thanks to bilateral exchange agreements.   

By studying at the School of Medicine you will be able to go on a mobility to Medical College Wisconsin, Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" or Kristianstad University in Sweden (among many others).  

International internships

International work experience, the perfect career boost

Prácticas internacionales
International internships

International work experience, the perfect career boost

Do an internship abroad with the Erasmus+ Internship Grants. This will allow you to immerse yourself linguistically and culturally, as well as having an enriching experience that will help you both professionally and personally.

Can you imagine everything you can learn with an internship outside Spain? At Universidad CEU San Pablo, we can help you achieve it.

Ana Adell Pérez



Teaching by doctors

Professor Departament Profile
Ábalos Sanfrutos, Nieves Dentistry
Abradelo de Usera, Isabel Humanities
Adell Pérez, Ana Dentistry
Adell Pérez, Carlos Bruno Dentistry
Alcalá Díaz-Mor, Martín Chemistry and Biochemistry
Alonso Pérez, Esther Dentistry
Alonso Pérez, Eva Dentistry
Álvarez Losa, Laura Dentistry
Álvarez Sagües, Alejandro Dentistry
Amato, Jonathan Denis Humanities
Amusquivar Arias, Encarnación Chemistry and Biochemistry
Angulo Díaz-Parreño, Santiago Matemáticas y Ciencias de Datos
Arias Macias, Caridad Margarita Dentistry
Arias Navalón, José Antonio Basic Medical Sciences
Arriazu Navarro, Riánsares Basic Medical Sciences
Ballesteros Arias, Luna Basic Medical Sciences
Bocos de Prada, Carlos Chemistry and Biochemistry
Borrego Gutiérrez, Mª Jose Basic Medical Sciences
Bruna del Cojo, Marta Dentistry
Cabello Rivera, Daniel Basic Medical Sciences
Cano González, Mª Victoria Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Caño Laguna, Almudena
Casanova Árias, José Luis Dentistry
Cid Prieto, Verónica Dentistry
Cisneros de la Cruz, Susana Dentistry
D´Aubarede Núñez-Iglesias, Mercedes Humanities
De la Rosa Rico, Alejandra Dentistry
del Barrio Fernández, Carlos Basic Medical Sciences
del Nogal Ávila, María Basic Medical Sciences
del Río Villegas, Rafael Humanities
Delgado Castro, Nuria Dentistry
Demelo Rodriguez, Pablo Dentistry
Díaz Lanciego, Ángel Manuel Dentistry
Díaz Morfa, Margarita Basic Medical Sciences
Durán Mateos, Esther María Basic Medical Sciences
Elhazaz Walsh, Patricia Humanities
Escudero Góngora, Marta Dentistry
Espinosa De Los Monteros Buitrago, Teresa Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Feijoo García, Gonzalo Dentistry
Ferández Arias, Jessica Dentistry
Fernández López, Beatriz Dentistry
Fernández Martos, Carmen María Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Garcete Delvalle, Clara Dentistry
García Carrillo Cacho, Ana Dentistry
García de Casasola Rodríguez, Gonzalo Basic Medical Sciences
García de Casasola Sánchez, Gonzalo Clinical Medical Sciences
García Esteo, Francisco Javier Basic Medical Sciences
García Sánchez, Francisco Javier Basic Medical Sciences
Garrido Bermúdez, José María Humanities
González Gil, Dolores Dentistry
González Moreno, María Basic Medical Sciences
González Reguero, Daniel Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
González Zamora, María Dentistry
Gordon, Paul Humanities
Goyoga Sánchez, Elena Olga Dentistry
Guerra Menéndez, Lucía Basic Medical Sciences
Heras López Negrete, Silvano José Basic Medical Sciences
Hernández González, Aurora Chemistry and Biochemistry
Herrera Castillón, Emilio Chemistry and Biochemistry
Herrero de Lucas, Ángel Physiotherapy
Huarte Fernandez, Carla Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Izquierdo Arias, Fernando Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Jiménez Cabré, Elisa Chemistry and Biochemistry
Jiménez Martínez, Ester Dentistry
Lantero Bringas, Esther Basic Medical Sciences
López Rodríguez, Rosario Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
López Viejo Pérez, Javier Dentistry
López-Silva García, María José Dentistry
Lozano Bustos, Paula Clinical Medical Sciences
Lucas González, Ignacio de Dentistry
Magnet Dávila, Ángela Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Manteca Fernández, Luis Dentistry
Mariscal Macías, David Basic Medical Sciences
Martín Guerrero, Eduardo Clinical Medical Sciences
Martín Ibáñez, Fernando Dentistry
Martínez González, María José Sandra Dentistry
Mendoza Fernández, Carmen de Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Merino Palacios, Beatriz Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Montes Díaz, María Elena Dentistry
Montoya Díaz, Irene Dentistry
Muelas Sánchez, César Dentistry
Oriol Salgado, Manuel Humanities
Ortega Asensio, Victor Dentistry
Padure, Sergiu Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Panadero Antón, Mª Isabel Chemistry and Biochemistry
Pascual Fernández, Beatriz Dentistry
Pedrero González, Amalia Journalism and Digital Narratives
Peña Salguero, Paula María Dentistry
Pérez Armas, Madelín Chemistry and Biochemistry
Pérez Jiménez, Cristina Dentistry
Pinilla Marchini, Alfonso Matemáticas y Ciencias de Datos
Piñas Mesa, Antonio Humanities
Plaza De La Fuente, Adrián Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Portal Núñez, Sergio Basic Medical Sciences
Prado Simón, Leyre Dentistry
Reche Sainz, Paloma Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Redondo Muñoz, Nerea Dentistry
Reyhan Feyzi, Elif Basic Medical Sciences
Ríos Sánchez, Nuria María Humanities
Riquelme Aguado, Victor Clinical Medical Sciences
Robas Mora, Marina Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Robles de Acuña Rubio, María Dentistry
Rodrigo Haidar, Nur Dentistry
Rodríguez Martínez, Marta Dentistry
Ruiz Morillo, Virginia Matemáticas y Ciencias de Datos
Sáenz del Castillo Caballero, Francisco Javier Humanities
Saez García, Miguel Ángel Clinical Medical Sciences
Sánchez Domínguez, María Dentistry
Saura Viejo, Mario Clinical Medical Sciences
Sevillano Fernández, Julio Chemistry and Biochemistry
Suastegui Leblanch, Vilma Dentistry
Tapia González, Silvia Clinical Medical Sciences
Tenorio Castaño, Jair Antonio Basic Medical Sciences
Torrecilla García, Amaya
Vaccaro Muñoz, Lucianna Rosalia Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Valcarcel, Juan Ramón Dentistry
Valdeverde Rodríguez, Marta Eulalia Dentistry
Valdivieso Blanco, Elizabeth Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Vicente Corominas, Elena de Dentistry
Vicente Rodríguez, Marta Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Zaragoza De Lorite, Alberto Matemáticas y Ciencias de Datos
Zubeldia Varela, Elisa Basic Medical Sciences
Zuccaro, Agata Chemistry and Biochemistry
As a result of Universidad CEU San Pablo's commitment to Quality, the Facultad de Medicina has a living Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIC), aligned with the SISCAL Guidelines at the Centre level, which ensures the review and continuous improvement of all official Bachelor's and Master's degrees.

First formalised IQAS at the level of Universidad San Pablo-CEU  that guarantees the quality and continuous improvement of its Bachelor's and Master's degrees.


The IQAS is approved at the Centre level where the IQC of each Centre approves proposals for improvement and their follow-up.


Universidad San Pablo-CEU obtains the SISCAL Madri+d model certification for all its centers and Institutional Accreditation for the centers presented.

SISCAL Madri+d Medicina

Certificación SISCAL madri+d

  • Facultad de Derecho
  • Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
  • Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Comunicación
  • Facultad de Medicina
  • Facultad de Farmacia
  • Escuela Politécnica Superior
  • Instituto Universitario de Estudios Europeos

Acreditación institucional madrid+d

La Universidad San Pablo-CEU ha obtenido la Acreditación Institucional de los siguientes centros universitarios:

  • Facultad de Derecho
  • Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
  • Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Comunicación
  • Facultad de Medicina
  • Escuela Politécnica Superior
  • Facultad de Farmacia
  • Instituto Universitario de Estudios Europeos