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Degree in  Biotechnology

A cutting-edge degree in the use of technology and living cells, with opportunities in industry, the environment, agri-food...

The Bachelor’s Degree in Biotechnology with more practice hours in laboratories and internships in companies

Biotechnology is the discipline that uses technology and living cells to develop or manipulate products in order to obtain a result. It is used, for example, in the production of drugs, transgenic foods or in the creation of vaccines and antibiotics.

With the Bachelor’s Degree in Biotechnology at Universidad CEU San Pablo you will receive a broad education with a deep focus on the health and food fields. You will have a high practical load in laboratories, companies, and research centers, with more than 1,300 hours.

Study in one of the most prestigious pharmacy schools in the country. Learn all about the profession in more than 60 laboratories equipped with the latest technologies, and with a faculty of professors excellent in both teaching and research (more than 90% are PhDs in subjects related to the degree).

With this bachelor’s degree you will be able to work in multiple fields such as industry, environment, agriculture, and health. Would you like to be a distinguished professional in biotechnology and improve people's lives? We put all the means at your disposal so that you can achieve it.

School of Pharmacy Brochure (spanish only)
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Official Name

Degree in Biotechnology


School of Pharmacy




240 ECTS


September 2025


School of Pharmacy




Spanish, Bilingual

Jornada de Puertas Abiertas

¡Ven a conocer nuestra Universidad!

Descubre nuestra oferta educativa y conoce de la mano de profesores, alumnos y alumni todo lo que la universidad puede ofrecerte. Podrás encontrar respuestas a las dudas sobre tus futuros estudios, las prácticas, las salidas profesionales, las becas y ayudas, etc. Además, nuestros asesores estarán disponibles para explicarte en detalle cómo ingresar en la universidad. Te esperamos el 26 de octubre en el Campus de Montepríncipe.

Jornada de puertas abiertas Universidad CEU San Pablo
26 October
Jornada de Puertas Abiertas
Jornada de Puertas Abiertas
Differential values

Why study the Bachelor’s Degree in Biotechnology at Universidad CEU San Pablo?

Studying Biotechnology at CEU San Pablo is a guarantee for the future. You will learn about the latest technological advances and acquire skills and competencies in the scientific field in order to develop new drugs, improve food, produce biofuels, create new varieties of plants and even search for treatments for cancer and rare diseases, among many other things.

Valores Diferenciales

Studying Biotechnology at CEU San Pablo is a guarantee for the future. You will learn about the latest technological advances and acquire skills and competencies in the scientific field in order to develop new drugs, improve food, produce biofuels, create new varieties of plants and even search for treatments for cancer and rare diseases, among many other things.

Although the curriculum of the Bachelor’s Degree in Biotechnology encompasses several areas of knowledge such as molecular and cellular biology, genetics or microbiology, it provides a deeper focus on health and food biotechnology. 


  • 1,000 hours of practices in the school laboratories.
  • 300 hours of internships in research centers and leading biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies such as 24 Genetics, Nimgenetics, Biogen Center, Zurko Research, 3WAYS (Interactive Communication Projects), LUZAN 5 Health Consulting, Genetracer Biotech, etc...  
  • You also have the possibility of doing additional extracurricular internships in Spain or abroad. 

All practical classes are conducted in groups limited to a maximum of 12 students per lab and teacher, to ensure that you get the most out of your learning. 

Study in a school with more than 60 teaching and research laboratories with advanced instrumentation. 

You will be able to internationalize your degree while you study, at CEU San Pablo we

  • Make a mobility abroad. We have signed more than 90 agreements (both Erasmus+ and bilateral agreements) with leading foreign universities such as King's College London, University of Surrey (UK), University of Cardiff (UK) or University of Leuven (Belgium), among others.
  • Participates in class COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) collaborative learning projects with students from foreign universities. 
  • Expand your knowledge by studying an International Online Program with Arizona University.  
  • Learn the language of your choice at the Language Center. 

The School of Pharmacy has 126 professors, 90% of whom hold PhDs. A large faculty selected for their knowledge and experience in the fields of research and the biopharmaceutical industry. 

The School of Pharmacy houses the CEMBIO (Center of Excellence in Metabolomics and Bioanalysis), the leading laboratory in the use of the most modern informatics and analytical techniques where you can carry out research stays. Its staff is part of the Groups of Excellence in biosciences by the Community of Madrid and maintains numerous national and international collaborations.

We give you the option to add to your education by learning about business development in the biotechnology industry. Study an exclusive 4th year semester program at Boston University where you will also do an internship in one of the fastest growing industries in the state of Massachusetts. The American educational system will provide you with the scientific and technical English necessary for your professional development at an international level. 


Do you want to obtain two bachelor’s degrees in only six years? The Dual Degree in Pharmacy + Biotechnology qualifies you for professional practice in the field of pharmaceuticals, medicines and biotechnological products. 


The School of Pharmacy has classrooms equipped with projectors and student work areas, a campus library, large lecture halls, common areas and specialized laboratories.

Instalaciones Farmacia - CEMBIO

CEMBIO Research Laboratory


CEMBIO Research Laboratory

Instalaciones Farmacia - Inmunología

Laboratory of Immunology-Cultures

Laboratorio de Inmunología-Cultivos

Laboratory of Immunology-Cultures

Laboratorio de Farmacia

Pharmacy Laboratory

Laboratorio de Farmacia

Pharmacy Laboratory

Instalaciones Farmacia - Organica

Organic Chemistry Laboratory

Laboratorio Química Analítica

Analytical Chemistry Laboratory


Scanning Electron Microscope

Biblioteca farmacia

Pharmacy library



Instalaciones Farmacia - CEMBIO

CEMBIO Research Laboratory


CEMBIO Research Laboratory

Instalaciones Farmacia - Inmunología

Laboratory of Immunology-Cultures

Laboratorio de Inmunología-Cultivos

Laboratory of Immunology-Cultures

Laboratorio de Farmacia

Pharmacy Laboratory

Laboratorio de Farmacia

Pharmacy Laboratory

Instalaciones Farmacia - Organica

Organic Chemistry Laboratory

Laboratorio Química Analítica

Analytical Chemistry Laboratory


Scanning Electron Microscope

Biblioteca farmacia

Pharmacy library



International Bilingual Program: get a differential professional profile

International Bilingual Programs

International Bilingual Program: get a differential professional profile

Can you imagine studying at a prestigious American university? With the International Bilingual Program you will be able to complete your studies with exclusive training in the United States. Upon completion, you will receive an official degree in Business Administration and Management, a Bilingual Program Diploma from Universidad CEU San Pablo and a certificate issued by Boston University.

Boston University (Business of Biotechnology & Biomedical Engineering)

The CEU-Boston University Program is aimed at students in the School of Pharmacy who want to understand the workings of business development models, capital acquisition, licensing and regulation faced by start-up companies. The program includes internships and at its completion allows you to earn a graduate certificate issued by Boston University: Advanced Graduate Certificate in International Business.

  • Andrea Isabel Vindel

    "What I like most about this bachelor's degree is the application of what I learned at class in the professional world. And also discovering the important contribution of sciences such as biology, chemistry or statistics in our day to day life."

    Andrea Isabel Vindel

    Student of the Bachelor's Degree in Biotechnology

  • Blanca Biotecnología

    Tengo una hermana mayor muy contenta en el CEU, aparte, el programa del CEU ofrece unas prácticas externas a Boston que me interesaban mucho. Me gusta la dinámica de ciertas clases teóricas pero disfruto más las prácticas.

    Blanca Suanzes Aldereguía

    Alumna del Grado en Biotecnología

  • Marta Miguel alumna de Biotecnología

    Decidí estudiar en el CEU San Pablo ya que ofrece el grado de Biotecnología en bilingüe. Además, cuando vi el plan de estudios y lo comparé con el de otras universidades fue el que más me gustó.

    Marta Miguel Méndez

    Alumna del Grado de Biotecnología

  • maria biotecnologia

    Una de las cosas que más me ha llamado la atención es el número de prácticas que se hacen. Cuando una asignatura la das en las clases teóricas se entiende bien pero el poner en práctica lo que aprendes y poder ver como tiene sentido hace que el conocimiento sea duradero.

    Maria Roeseler Deltell

    Alumna del Grado en Biotecnología

  • Elena Fauste

    "The best thing about studying at the School of Pharmacy is the closeness of the professors and the amount of practices we do. Leaving here knowing how to do things is an added value that we CEU students have."

    Elena Fauste Alonso

    Student of the Dual Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy + Biotechnology.

Dual bachelor’s degrees with Biotechnology

Formación Complementaria

Dual bachelor’s degrees with Biotechnology

Now you can go further and enhance your professional profile by studying a dual bachelor’s degree.

University life

An unforgettable university experience

The university years are unique and are remembered for the rest of your life. At Universidad CEU San Pablo, we value the importance of this vital stage and we want you to be the protagonist of a memorable experience. That is why we offer you a multitude of activities and services so that you can make the most of your university years. 

Campus Life

We offer you a wide range of free activities on campus and outdoors such as hiking, Ninja Warriors, latest cultural proposals, urban dances, etc. 


Share your interests and concerns with other people in the clubs of eSports, Stock Exchange, Gastronomy, Debate, Fashion, Protocol... 

Professional Careers

A team of career advisors is available to advise you on all matters relating to your professional development. 

Support Program: University Wellbeing Service (SOU)

You have at your disposal a service of psychopedagogical counsellors who will support you in your personal development and academic performance.

Support: Buddy Program

Final year students bring their experience to make your first months at university easier.

Support: GPS Program

Receive mentoring from professors and professionals with solid personal and professional careers. In addition, you will receive master classes on the most in-demand skills in the market.  

Social engagement

It participates in development cooperation projects (national and international), social volunteering and donation campaigns to build a fairer society. 

Pastoral Guidance

Share your faith and take part in pilgrimages, spiritual exercises, celebration of the sacraments, conferences... 

Curso "Diseña TU Futuro"

Activa tu empleabilidad con el programa acelerador de empleabilidad Diseña Tu futuro. Conviértete en un experto en el mercado laboral y en el funcionamiento de las empresas.

We offer you a wide range of free activities on campus and outdoors such as hiking, Ninja Warriors, latest cultural proposals, urban dances, etc. 

Share your interests and concerns with other people in the clubs of eSports, Stock Exchange, Gastronomy, Debate, Fashion, Protocol... 

A team of career advisors is available to advise you on all matters relating to your professional development. 

You have at your disposal a service of psychopedagogical counsellors who will support you in your personal development and academic performance.

Final year students bring their experience to make your first months at university easier.

Receive mentoring from professors and professionals with solid personal and professional careers. In addition, you will receive master classes on the most in-demand skills in the market.  

It participates in development cooperation projects (national and international), social volunteering and donation campaigns to build a fairer society. 

Share your faith and take part in pilgrimages, spiritual exercises, celebration of the sacraments, conferences... 

Activa tu empleabilidad con el programa acelerador de empleabilidad Diseña Tu futuro. Conviértete en un experto en el mercado laboral y en el funcionamiento de las empresas.

Keep up to date with all CEU news on Social Media

We want to connect with you: in our social media you can keep up to date with the latest news of the University. You can find us at:

Type of subjects

Type Credits
Basic training 63 ECTS
Compulsory 144 ECTS
Elective 9 ECTS
External internships 12 ECTS
Final Degree Project 12 ECTS

Further information


Bachelor’s Degree with favorable report of modification in the 2019-2020 academic year. 

List of subjects

Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
General Biology 9 Basic training EN / ES Teaching Guide
General Chemistry 9 Basic training EN / ES Teaching Guide
Keys to History and Literature 6 Basic training EN / ES Teaching Guide
Mathematics 6 Basic training EN / ES Teaching Guide
Genetics 6 Basic training ES Teaching Guide
Modern Language 6 Basic training EN Teaching Guide
Física y Fisicoquímica de procesos biotecnológicos I 6 Compulsory SPA Teaching Guide
Tissue and Developmental Biology 9 Basic training ES Teaching Guide
Plant Physiology 3 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Biochemistry I 6 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Ethics 3 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Microbiology 9 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Organic Chemistry 9 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Physicochemistry of Biotechnological Processes II 3 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Molecular Biology 6 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church 6 Basic training EN / ES Teaching Guide
Advanced plant physiology 3 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Biochemistry II 6 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
In vitro culture techniques 3 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Instrumental Techniques 6 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Bioanalytical Techniques 3 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Genetic Engineering 6 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Human Physiology 6 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Immunology 3 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Bioinformatics 6 Compulsory EN Teaching Guide
Bioreactors 6 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Microbial Biotechnology 6 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Plan Biotechnology 6 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Protein Chemistry and Engineering 6 Compulsory EN Teaching Guide
Fundamentals of pharmacology and toxicology 3 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Immunotherapy 3 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Legislation and Professional Ethics in Biotechnology 3 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Optativa I 3 Elective SPA / ENG --
Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Advanced Therapies 3 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Molecular Diagnostics 3 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Nutrigenomics and Pharmacogenomics 6 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Pharmaceutical products of biotechnological origin 6 Compulsory EN / ES Teaching Guide
Biotechnological Companies and Projects 6 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
Biotechnology and Food Safety 6 Compulsory ES Teaching Guide
External internships 12 Practicum ES Teaching Guide
Bachelor's Degree Dissertation 12 Final year project EN / ES Teaching Guide
Optativa III 3 Elective SPA / ENG --
Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Metabolomics 3 Optional ES Teaching Guide
Molecular Parasitology 3 Optional ES Teaching Guide
Proteomics 3 Optional ES Teaching Guide
Genomics 3 Optional ES Teaching Guide
Molecular and applied virology 3 Optional ES Teaching Guide
Seminars on Research 3 Optional ES Teaching Guide
6 Optional --
3 Optional --
Biocatalysis in Fine Chemistry 3 Optional --
Biotechnology and Optimal Nutrition 3 Optional --
Building the Business Plan 3 Optional --
Capital Markets and Biotechnology 3 Optional --
Clinical biochemistry 6 Optional --
Intellectual Property and Patent Law in Biotechnology 3 Optional --
Obtaining Bioactive Raw Materials 3 Optional --
Public Health 3 Optional --
Recognition of University Activities 3 Optional --
Additional programmes

Expand your knowledge and dazzle with your profile

Obtaining your degree is the first step towards achieving the future you want. But to make your professional profile shine like no other, you can broaden your knowledge with other courses at Univesidad CEU San Pablo. 


Use biological technology to improve the world.

The study of biotechnological processes requires a multidisciplinary approach, both technological and scientific. Mastering modern biotechnology requires the mastery of several areas such as biology, genetics, chemistry, engineering, physics, or microbiology, as well as the acquisition of a series of competences, among which are:  

Grado en Farmacia

The study of biotechnological processes requires a multidisciplinary approach, both technological and scientific. Mastering modern biotechnology requires the mastery of several areas such as biology, genetics, chemistry, engineering, physics, or microbiology, as well as the acquisition of a series of competences, among which are:  

Understand how the chemistry and structure of major biological macromolecules, including proteins and nucleic acids, determine their function. Describe and identify the structure, function, and differentiation of different cell types in both single and multicellular organisms.

To understand the basis of gene expression and to have an integrated view of its regulation. Describe cellular metabolism and evaluate and discern the different molecular and chemical mechanisms responsible for a biological process, acquiring an integrated vision of its regulation.

Handle instrumental media and apply the most relevant and novel methods and techniques in biotechnological applications (analytical, biochemical, molecular, immunochemical and omics), including assay validation, data collection and handling, and data analysis and critical evaluation.

To identify molecules and genes that can be used as useful biomarkers for the prevention, diagnosis, and monitoring of diseases, as well as those molecules and/or genes that could be molecular targets with therapeutic potential and/or sensitive to nutritional regulation.  

Manage and work in a laboratory with biological and/or chemical material, according to the highest quality standards in force, applying the corresponding biosafety and waste disposal regulations. Understand the recent advances in advanced therapies and innovative drugs, as well as the safety regulations derived from their use.  

To apply the fundamental aspects of the direction and quality management of a biotechnological company. Know the ethical, social, economic, and environmental implications derived from their professional activity. Communicate in Spanish and English the fundamental aspects of their activity to other professionals in their area or related areas to a non-specialized public. 

Manage the basics of molecular and cellular language that is key to understand the progress of future biomedicine to perceive current and future developments. To critically use current information and communication techniques, accessing and managing information sources and biological and/or patent databases, as well as the scientific and technical literature of the area.  


Learn by doing practices in laboratories and internships in companies

Prácticas en Empresas

Learn by doing practices in laboratories and internships in companies

We want you to have a real professional experience before finishing your degree. The curriculum of the Bachelor's Degree in Biotechnology includes more than 1,000 hours of practices in the laboratories of the school, and another 300 hours of internships in biosanitary companies. Find the ideal internship for you in the best companies and research centers.  We have agreements with 24 Genetics, In Vitro Technology, Nimgenetics, Biogen Center, Zurko Research, 3WAYS (Interactive Communication Projects), LUZAN 5 Health Consulting or Genetracer Biotech, among many others.  

You can also complement your training with extracurricular internships. 

Laboratories and companies that collaborate with us:

We have agreements with the main laboratories and companies in the sector. 

Bristol Myers Squibb
Colegio Oficial Farmaceutica de Madrid - COFM
Icon Group
Johnson and Johnson
En colaboración con IMDEA Alimentación
Fundación Española de la Nutrición
Career opportunities

One of the scientific professions with the highest growth potential

Salidas profesionales
Career opportunities

One of the scientific professions with the highest growth potential

Biotechnology has a transcendental role in society, whether in the prevention and containment of pathogens, in the development of agriculture or in environmental care (among many others).  

Our Bachelor’s Degree in Biotechnology is committed to a transversal training that allows you to enter the labor market in multiple fields (R&D, production, clinical or bio-industrial, pharmaceutical, etc.), both in public institutions and private companies. Learn about some of the most outstanding career opportunities:   

Job placement

Spain has consolidated its position as a biotechnology powerhouse with nearly 900 companies, according to the latest AseBIO report. The great projection of biotechnologists is confirmed in surveys of former students since this bachelor’s degree has a job placement rate of over 95%.  

Curso "Diseña TU Futuro"

Activa tu empleabilidad desde el primer momento

Curso Diseña TU Futuro Universidad CEU San Pablo
Curso "Diseña TU Futuro"

Activa tu empleabilidad desde el primer momento

Diseña TU Futuro es un programa para acelerar la empleabilidad de los alumnos de Grado, desarrollado por el Consejo Asesor de Empleabilidad CEU y profesionales de Recursos Humanos de los futuros empleadores. Adquirirás habilidades y competencias fundamentales para convertirte en la primera opción en un proceso de selección. 

Este título incluye asignaturas clave que te permitirán conocer en profundidad el mercado laboral y el funcionamiento de una empresa. Aprenderás qué es una empresa, cómo se estructura, cómo realizar un currículum o cómo afrontar una entrevista de trabajo, etc.  

Admission Process

Admission Process

The admission process at our university consists of an assessment of your academic and professional profile, and an interview.

Build your future today, and do it in just 4 steps: 

1. Documentación


Enter the Admissions Portal and fill in the form to start your process.

Reserva de plaza


Have an interview with a professor from your school so that we can get to know you and you can solve all your doubts about the university or the chosen degree.



Once you have received confirmation of your admission, pre-enroll and reserve your place with us.

Entrevista de admisión


Once you receive the results of the EVAU, upload the documentation and formalize your enrollment.

New student profile

If you have a scientific profile and are curious about research into biological processes, how they work and how they are applied in medicine, chemistry, the food industry, or the environment, study the Degree in Biotechnology at CEU San Pablo. 

Scholarships and grants

We offer you scholarships and grants because we believe in your talent.

Becas y ayudas
Scholarships and grants

We offer you scholarships and grants because we believe in your talent.

We want all talented students with a desire to excel to have access to opportunities to develop and achieve the best future. That is why we have created the scholarship and aid programme that invests the most in Spain. Find out more about the grants you can access as a student at Universidad CEU San Pablo. 

Prices Academic Year 24-25

Reservation fee*850.00 €850.00 €
Enrolment Fee**1,400.00 €1,400.00 €
Number of credits60 ECTS60 ECTS
Price per credit**195.00 €210.00 €
Monthly payment1,300.00 €1,400.00 €
Prices11,700.00 €12,600.00 €

* The reservation fee is paid once, when the student enters the university.

** The price of the credit is the same for 1st year and higher courses in the current academic year. In future academic years the price of the credit may be updated.


Give your career a global reach with an international certificate

Proyección Internacional

Give your career a global reach with an international certificate

At Universidad CEU San Pablo, you can obtain a foreign academic certificate through three types of international programmes:

  1. International Bilingual Programs (IBP)    
  2. International Online Programs (IOP)  
  3. International Professional Programs (IPP)  

This is a unique opportunity to finish your education with an international profile that will open the doors to any job challenge you may set yourself.

Live an enriching experience on a personal and professional level!  

Mobility Programs

Give your career an international projection!

Movilidad internacional
Mobility Programs

Give your career an international projection!

Universidad CEU San Pablo offers you the opportunity to take one or more mobility programs to universities around the world. You can study in European universities thanks to the Erasmus+ Program or in universities outside Europe through Bilateral Exchange Agreements.   

By studying at the School of Pharmacy, you will be able to move to the Université Paris Descartes, the Université Paris Saclay, the Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey or King's College London (among many others).  

International internships

International work experience, the perfect career boost

Prácticas internacionales
International internships

International work experience, the perfect career boost

Do an internship abroad with the Erasmus+ Internship Grants. This will allow you to immerse yourself linguistically and culturally, as well as having an enriching experience that will help you both professionally and personally.

Can you imagine everything you can learn with an internship outside Spain? At Universidad CEU San Pablo, we can help you achieve it.

María Haro García



Teaching by doctors

Professor Departament Profile
Abradelo de Usera, Cristina Chemistry and Biochemistry
Abradelo de Usera, Isabel Humanities
Agudo Torres, Rubén Chemistry and Biochemistry
Águila de la Puente, Carmen Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Agúndez Llaca, Miriam Chemistry and Biochemistry
Alcalá Díaz-Mor, Martín Chemistry and Biochemistry
Álvarez Carrión, Luis Basic Medical Sciences
Amador Elizondo, Ulises Julio Chemistry and Biochemistry
Azcondo Sánchez, María Teresa Chemistry and Biochemistry
Ballesteros Arias, Luna Basic Medical Sciences
Bernad Miana, Antonio Chemistry and Biochemistry
Blanco Durango, José Enrique Matemáticas y Ciencias de Datos
Blank Rojas, Anneliese Basic Medical Sciences
Bocos de Prada, Carlos Chemistry and Biochemistry
Bonilla Martínez, Alfonso Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Borrego Gutiérrez, Mª Jose Basic Medical Sciences
Bravo Molina, Beatriz Basic Medical Sciences
Carrera Puerta, Esther Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Coderch Boué, Claire Chemistry and Biochemistry
Conesa Egea, Javier
Coope, Caroline Humanities
Cruz Varona, Alejandra Basic Medical Sciences
Daimiel Ruíz, Lidia Ángeles Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
de la Cueva Méndez, Guillermo Chemistry and Biochemistry
de la Fuente González, Elena Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
de la Fuente Luelmo, Eva Chemistry and Biochemistry
de la Torre Gordo, Natalia Chemistry and Biochemistry
de Pascual-Teresa Fernández, Beatriz Chemistry and Biochemistry
del Nogal Ávila, María Basic Medical Sciences
Díaz Carrasco, Mª del Pilar Chemistry and Biochemistry
Domínguez Martín, Gema Chemistry and Biochemistry
Duarte Cárdenas, Angélica Chemistry and Biochemistry
Espinosa De Los Monteros Buitrago, Teresa Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Fajardo Martín, Violeta Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Fenoy Rodríguez, Soledad Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Fernández Martos, Carmen María Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Fernández Santos, Mª Eugenia
Galán de Mera, Antonio Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
García Fernández, Antonia Chemistry and Biochemistry
García Ureña, Lourdes Humanities
García Villaraco Velasco, Ana Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Garrido Bermúdez, José María Humanities
Garro Garro, Juan Carlos Matemáticas y Ciencias de Datos
Garzón Sánchez, Benito Chemistry and Biochemistry
Gil Fernández, Irene
González Reguero, Daniel Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
González Riaño, Carolina Chemistry and Biochemistry
Gordon, Paul Humanities
Gradillas Nicolás, Ana Chemistry and Biochemistry
Guerrero Galán, María del Carmen Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Gutiérrez Mañero, Javier Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Haro García, María
Henriques Gil, Nuno Basic Medical Sciences
Herrera Castillón, Emilio Chemistry and Biochemistry
Huarte Fernandez, Carla Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Hurtado Marcos, Carolina Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Izquierdo Álvarez, Elena
Izquierdo Arias, Fernando Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Jiménez Cabré, Elisa Chemistry and Biochemistry
Jiménez Gómez, Pedro Antonio Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Jiménez Serrano, Antonio Miguel Humanities
Lantero Bringas, Esther Basic Medical Sciences
Larriva Hormigos, María Chemistry and Biochemistry
León Espinosa, Gonzalo Chemistry and Biochemistry
Llinares Pinel, Francisco Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
López Gonzálvez, Mª Ángeles Chemistry and Biochemistry
López Rodríguez, Rosario Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Lozano Bustos, Paula
Lucas García, José Antonio Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Magnet Dávila, Ángela Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Martín Guerrero, Eduardo
Martínez Barrios, Sonia Chemistry and Biochemistry
Martínez Garzón, Angel Manuel
Martínez González, José Ángel Chemistry and Biochemistry
Martínez-Fresno Moreno, María Chemistry and Biochemistry
Montalbán Gines, Blanca Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Montero Palmero, María Belén Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Montes Casado, Nuria Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Morais Moreno, Carmen Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Muñoz Mingarro Martínez, Dolores Chemistry and Biochemistry
Muñoz San Martín, Cristina Chemistry and Biochemistry
Nistal Villán, Estanislao Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Ollero Baceiredo, Dolores Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Oncala Mesa, Rubén
Ortega Senovilla, Mª del Henar Chemistry and Biochemistry
Ortín Remón, Irene Chemistry and Biochemistry
Otero Gómez, Paola Chemistry and Biochemistry
Ovejero Benito, María del Carmen Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Padure, Sergiu Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Panadero Antón, Mª Isabel Chemistry and Biochemistry
Pérez Armas, Madelín Chemistry and Biochemistry
Pérez Castells, Javier Chemistry and Biochemistry
Pérez García, Carmen Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Pérez Gordo, Marina Basic Medical Sciences
Pita Santibáñez, Jimena Chemistry and Biochemistry
Pizarro Delgado, Javier Chemistry and Biochemistry
Plaza Clavero, María Rosa
Plaza De La Fuente, Adrián Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Polanco Mora, María José Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Portal Núñez, Sergio Basic Medical Sciences
Pozuelo de Felipe, Mª José Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Pozuelo González, José Manuel Basic Medical Sciences
Probanza Lobo, Agustín Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Ramos Álvarez, María del Pilar Chemistry and Biochemistry
Ramos Solano, Beatriz Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Redondo Martín, Pablo Chemistry and Biochemistry
Rey Stolle Valcarce, Mª Fernanda Chemistry and Biochemistry
Rius Rocabert, Sergio Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Robas Mora, Marina Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Rupérez Pascualena, Fco. Javier Chemistry and Biochemistry
Salinas Granell, Mireya Beatriz Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Sánchez Alberca, Alfredo Matemáticas y Ciencias de Datos
Sánchez Gómez, María Helena
Sevillano Fernández, Julio Chemistry and Biochemistry
Tenorio Castaño, Jair Antonio Basic Medical Sciences
Terrados Aguado, Gloria María Chemistry and Biochemistry
Tirado Cabrera, Irene Basic Medical Sciences
Torrejón Beldad, Ana María Chemistry and Biochemistry
Troya Franco, Mª Teresa De Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Urrialde de Andrés, Rafael Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Utrera Caro, Sebastián Félix Public Law
Valdivieso Blanco, Elizabeth Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Vallejo Rodríguez, Lucía Humanities
Velasco González, María del Mar Humanities
Viana Arribas, Marta Chemistry and Biochemistry
Vicente Orellana, José Alfredo Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Villaseñor Solís, Alma Cristina Chemistry and Biochemistry
Yuste Moreno Manzanaro, Mercedes Chemistry and Biochemistry
Zabala De La Fuente, Ana Beatriz
Zapico Rodríguez, José Mª Chemistry and Biochemistry
Zaragoza De Lorite, Alberto
Zuccaro, Agata Chemistry and Biochemistry
As a result of Universidad CEU San Pablo's commitment to Quality, the School of Pharmacy has a living Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIC), aligned with the SISCAL Guidelines at the Centre level, which ensures the review and continuous improvement of all official Bachelor's and Master's degrees.

First formalised IQAS at the level of Universidad San Pablo-CEU  that guarantees the quality and continuous improvement of its Bachelor's and Master's degrees.


The IQAS is approved at the Centre level where the IQC of each Centre approves proposals for improvement and their follow-up.


Universidad San Pablo-CEU obtains the SISCAL Madri+d model certification for all its centers and Institutional Accreditation for the centers presented.

Acreditacion Madri+d Facultad de Farmacia

madrid+d Institutional Accreditation

Madrid+d institutional accreditation 

Universidad San Pablo-CEU has obtained Institutional Accreditation for the following university centers: 

  • Law School  
  • School of Economics and Business Administration 
  • School of Medicine 
  • Institute of Technology 
  • School of Pharmacy 
  • University Institute for European Studies 

SISCAL madri+d certification

      • Law School 
      • School of Economics and Business 
      • School of Humanities and Communication Sciences 
      • School of Medicine 
      • School of Pharmacy 
      • Institute of Technology 
      • University Institute for European Studies