TP Inglés y preparación para TOLES
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Legal English and TOLES Exam Preparation

The Course in Legal English and TOLES exam preparation is aimed at undergraduate students at the Law School, who wish to improve and maintain their knowledge of English and acquire sufficient knowledge of legal English necessary for their insertion in the working world, accrediting it by passing the corresponding exam (TOLES). 

The course, unprecedented at Universidad CEU San Pablo, is justified by the growing need for professionals in the field of Legal Sciences to be equipped with the linguistic tools that will allow them to enter the labor market in an international context in which, both inside and outside Spain, they will require the necessary skills to understand, discuss and create documents in English. Likewise, these professionals will need English for their training and later for the performance of their profession when consulting documentation and bibliography and establishing contacts, attending meetings or discussing agreements. 

The training provided may culminate in obtaining a degree in legal English and in the preparation of the legal English exam recognized by most of the major Spanish and foreign law firms (TOLES), which would allow students to accredit excellence in the language for the purposes of their insertion in the labor market.


  • The student can join in any of the courses of his degree. The diploma awarded at the end of the course will state the number of credits completed and the level of legal English achieved. 
  • Students who are ready for it after having obtained sufficient training may choose to take the TOLES English exam (Foundation, Higher or Advanced, depending on the level achieved in their training). Students will be facilitated to take the TOLES exam. 
  • This course is independent of the curricular language courses that are part of the degrees, and cannot be validated by them, nor does its concession imply the overcoming of the language requirements for undergraduate students at Universidad CEU San Pablo. 
  • The course will cost 500 €. 
  • Schedules will be adjusted to the needs of the students.