Universidad San Pablo CEU requires for all its students to receive a complete humanistic formation in line with Christian ideals. It promotes the creation of an increasingly just and fraternal society from the basis of the individual’s freedom regardless of it being inside or outside the university.
Universidad San Pablo CEU’s teaching programs include the mandatory professional training with a broader approach added to it. It speckles the academic teachings with cultural, ethical and social aspects to expand the basics without removing essential content. These programs aim at developing the necessary skills to identify, plan and solve problems through a critical mindset attending to the different opinions there might be regarding that subject.
Universidad San Pablo CEU will promote the individual study and personal development of each student through the active participation and an intensive and personal tutoring follow up.
Universidad San Pablo CEU accepts its responsibility to foresee the changes regarding social, professional or academic requirements that may occur to adapt the degrees or study programs so that they comply with these new requisites.
Regarding third cycle programs, the postgraduate programs applied in scientific, professional or technical areas are the most relevant. These programs exist to provide a step hold in the student’s specialization process as well as in the recycling of its graduates and other professionals.
The university is open to those with the basic necessary skills. Regarding the economic aspect, the university will help economically those in need and in the measure of their possibilities.