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About us


Board of Trustees


Dr. Alfonso Bullón de Mendoza y Gómez de Valugera


Dr. Marcelino Oreja Aguirre

Ex-officio Members

Vice-President of ACdP

Mr. José Masip Marzá

National Consiliary of ACdP

Dr. Fidel Herráez Vegas

Archbishop of Madrid

Mons. José Cobo Cano

Elective Members

Elective member

Mr. Juan Bover Fernández de Palencia

Elective member

Mr. Íñigo de Bustos Pardo Manuel De Villena

Elective member

Mr. Gonzalo Fernández Escribano

Elective member

Dr. Consuelo García-Angulo de la Calle

Elective member

Mr. Manuel Isidro Marco Camacho

Elective member

Mr. Juan Jurado Ballesta

Elective member

Ms. Consuelo Martínez-Sicluna Sepúlveda

Elective member

Mr. José Manuel Otero Novas

Elective member

Ms. Nuria Cristina Vázquez Freire

Elective member

Mr. Roque Velasco Luque

Secretary's Office


Dr. Jesús F. Cogollos García

Administrative Secretary

Ms. Marta Gómez Tejerina


Great Chancellor of The University

Mr. Alfonso Bullón de Mendoza y Gómez de Valugera

University Rector at Universidad CEU San Pablo

Dr. Rosa Visiedo Claverol


Ms. Belén Iglesias de la Torre

Vice-Rector for Teaching and Research

Dr. Agustín Probanza Lobo

Tel: 91 456 63 00 Ext. 14928

Deputy Vice-Rector for the Research Area (Moncloa Campus)

Ms. M.ª del Carmen García Centeno

Tel: 91 514 04 04 Ext. 15454

Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit (UCC+I)

Ms. Cristina Rodríguez Luque

Office for the Transfer of Research Results (OTRI)

OTRI Director

Mr. Miguel Pascual Olaguíbel

Tel: 91 456 63 00 Ext. 14925

Ms. Aurora Olmo Castillo

Tel: 91 372 64 02

Ms. Mamen Alba Asensio

Tel: 91 372 47 00 Ext. 14616

General Secretary's Office for Research

Mr. A. Ramón Jiménez López

Tel: (+34) 91 372 47 00 Ext. 14928

International Research Projects Office

Ms. Gemma García Zato

Tel: 913 527 022

Research Management Unit (UGI)

Ms. Silvia Cano García

Tel: 91 372 47 00 Ext. 14966

Ms. Paloma Craviotto Márquez

Tel: 91 372 47 31 Ext. 14731

Mr. Francisco Javier Cobos García

Tel: 91 372 47 00 Ext. 14802

Technical Unit for the Support of Scientific Journals (UTARC)

Coordinator of Research and Postgraduate Studies - Faculty of Humanities and Communication Sciences

Mr. Ignacio Blanco Alfonso

Tel: 91 456 63 00 Ext. 14314

Mrs. Rosa Cabrera

Tel: 91 456 63 00 Ext. 14239

Mrs. Amalia Pérez Otaola

Tel: 91 456 63 00 Ext. 14239

Standing Commission of the Research Ethics Committee

Président du Comité permanent du Comité d'éthique de la recherche (CER)

Mrs. Mª José Polanco Mora


Mr. Fernando Izquierdo Arias


Mr. Carlos Bocos de Prada

Technical Secretary

Mrs. Mamen Alba Asensio

Research Committee


Mr. Agustín Probanza Lobo


Mr. Miguel Pascual Olaguíbel

Vocal nato

Dr. Pablo Velasco Quintana

Vocal nato

D. Alfonso Martínez-Echevarría y García de Dueñas

Vocal nato

Dr. Tomás Chivato Pérez

Vocal nato

Dr. Santiago de Molina Rodríguez

Vocal nato

D. Ricardo J. Palomo Zurdo

Vocal nato

Dr. Gonzalo Herradón Gil-Gallardo

Vocal nato

Dr. José María Beneyto Pérez

Vocal invitado

Ms. M.ª del Carmen García Centeno

Vocal invitado

D. Pablo Campos Calvo Sotelo

Vocal invitado

Mr. Ignacio Blanco Alfonso

Vice-Rector for Teaching Staff

Dr. Luis Eugenio Togores Sánchez

Deputy Vice-Rector for Teaching Staff

Mr. Benito Garzón Sánchez

Deputy Vice-Rector for the Academic Planning Area (Moncloa Campus)

Ms. Isabel Pérez Cuenca

Tel: 91 456 63 00 Ext. 14322

Deputy Vice-Rector for the Academic Planning Area (Montepríncipe Campus)

Ms. Nuria Acero de Mesa

Tel: 91 372 47 00 Ext. 15247

Technical Secretary's Office

Ms. Lorena Coto Gallego

Tel: 91 514 04 00 Ext. 15122

Technical Secretary's Office

Ms. Flavia Bernar Solano

Tel: 91 514 04 00 Ext. 15125

Vice-Rector for Institutional Relations and General Secretary

Dr. María Bellido Barrionuevo

Technical Secretary's Office/Register

Ms. Beatriz Fernández Blanco

Vice-Secretary-General for Technical Affairs

Ms. M.ª Ángeles Fernández González-Regueral

Vice-Secretary General for Legal Affairs

Mr. Gonzalo Nuño García

Administrative Management and Qualifications Area

Ms. Ana Rodríguez Carro

Technical Secretary's Office/Register

Ms. Hilda García Fernández

Vice-Rector for Digital Transformation

Dr. Emiliano Blasco Doñamayor


Ms. Cristina Novo Corral

Tel: (+34) 91 514 04 00 Ext. 15691

Audiovisual Production and Innovation Unit

Mr. Javier Hernández Salinas

Tel: (+34) 91 456 63 00 Ext. 12933

Digital Teaching Support Unit

Ms. Nuria Moro Díez

Tel: (+34) 91 372 47 00 Ext. 15326

Mrs. Beatriz Bolivar Santos

Tel: (+34) 91 372 47 00 Ext. 12926

Mrs. Ana Catena Sánchez

Tel: (+34) 91 372 47 00 Ext. 12966

Mrs. Isabel León Gómez

Tel: (+34) 91 372 47 00 Ext. 12760

Mrs. Eva Menéndez Menéndez

Tel: (+34) 91 372 47 00 Ext. 14975

Mrs. Laura Pérez Heras

Tel: (+34) 91 372 47 00 Ext. 14975

Vice-Rector for Students and University Life

Dr. Ángel Bartolomé Muñoz de Luna

Deputy Vice-Rector

Ms. Paloma Saá Teja

Secretary's Office

Ms. Teresa Poyo Torcal

Cultural Activities


Mr. Juan Luis Orellana Gutiérrez de Terán


Mr. Pablo Gutiérrez Carreras


Ms. Carmen Cabrera Bonet

Sport Activities


Mr. José Luis Valero Alcaide

Montepríncipe Campus Coordinator

Montepríncipe Campus Coordinator

Mr. Fernando González Gómez

Vice-Rector for Academic Programmes

Dr. Cristina Masa Lorenzo

Deputy Vice-Rector for Academic Programmes

Ms. Cristina Abradelo de Usera

Secretary's Office

Ms. Elena Valero Ramos

Academic Programmes Management (GAE)

Academic Programmes Management (GAE)

Ms. Elena Valero Ramos

Academic Programmes Management (GAE)

Ms. Pilar Contreras Contreras

University Statistics and Quality Unit

Director of Rankings

Ms. M.ª del Mar Herrador Morales

Responsible for University Statistics and Rankings

Mr. Eduardo López Ramírez

Technical Secretariat

Ms. Pilar Villalba Pérez

Quality Officer

Ms. Ana Oller Domínguez

Certifications Coordinator

Ms. María Luengo García

Quality Officer

Mr. Pablo Redondo Martín

Quality Officer

Mr. Héctor Rivera Albacete

Public Information Management for Academic Programmes

Ms. Gisela Acereda Ortega-Vieto

Quality and Statistics Officer

D.ª Lourdes Gómez Rincón

Graduate Economic Management (GEP)


Ms. Mª del Mar Morales Blanco-Steger

Development of New Graduate Projects. Moncloa Campus. Programme Coordinator

D. José Poblaciones Gaztelu

Attention to Graduate Students. Programme Coordinator

D. Orlando Rodríguez Martín

Public Information Management for Academic Programmes

Graduate Economic Management (GEP)

Mr. Miguel Ángel Dalda López

Academic Programmes Management (GAE)

Ms. M.ª José López Gómez

Vice-Rector for Internationalisation

Ms. Ainhoa Uribe Otalora

IBP Fordham School of Law - IBP Boston Criminal Justice-Cybersecurity Academic Coordinator

Mrs. Natalia del Barrio Fernández

Law School Tel: (+34) 91 514 04 00

International Relations Academic Coordinator

Ms. Paola Otero Gómez

Montepríncipe Campus - School of Pharmacy

International Mobility Office

Moncloa Campus

Head of the International Mobility Office (OMI)

Ms. Alejandra Villena Uerkvitz

Tel: (+34) 915 14 01 05 Ext. 15318

Head of the International Strategic Projects Office (OPEI)

Ms. Beatriz Jiménez Luengo

Montepríncipe Campus - School of Pharmacy Tel: (+34) 915 14 01 05 Ext. 15318

Internationalization Officer specialized in International Mobility. Europe and Latin America. Makeni Project (OMI)

Ms. Fernanda Miranda Oltra

Tel: (+34) 915 14 01 05 Ext. 15329

Internationalization Officer specialized in International Mobility. Europe and Brazil (OMI)

Ms. Daniela Leguizamón Cabañas

Tel: (+34) 915 14 01 Ext. 15114

Internationalization Officer specialized in International Mobility. Europe, North America and Australia. PDI and PAS Mobility. Makeni Project (OMI)

Ms. Alba Valle Izquierdo

Tel: (+34) 915 14 01 05 Ext. Ext. 15105

International Relations Officer and Administrative Coordination - International Mobility

Mr. Diego Cornejo Poblete

Vicerectorate for Internationalisation Tel: (+34) 915 14 01 05 Ext. 15704

International Relations Officer and Administrative Coordination - International Mobility

Mrs. Laura Liberatore Sánchez

Vicerectorate for Internationalisation Tel: (+34) 915 14 01 05 Ext. 15105

Internationalization Technician specialized in International Mobility and Chinese Translation. Europe and Asia. SICUE (OMI and OPEI)

Ms. Ana Ly Tamargo-Fernández

Tel: (+34) 915 14 01 Ext. 15113

Internationalization Officer specialized in English and French Translation (OPEI)

Ms. Beatriz González-Buendía

Tel: (+34) 915 14 01 05 Ext. 15240

Montepríncipe Campus

International Technician in International Mobility and Administrative Management (OMI)

Ms. Ana Ibarra Alcaraz

Tel: (+34) 913 72 40 40 Ext. 14902

Internationalization Officer specialized in International Mobility. CEU Global Campus (OMI)

Ms. Verónica Matilla Julián

Tel: (+34) 91 456 63 00 Ext. 14653

Internationalization Technician specialized in International Mobility and Chinese Translation. Europe and Asia. SICUE (OMI and OPEI)

Ms. Ana Ly Tamargo-Fernández

Tel: (+34) 915 14 01 Ext. 15113

Language Center

Academic Coordinator of the Language Center

Ms. Fiona Craig

Tel: (+34) 914 56 63 00 Ext. 15767

Internationalization Technician. Administrative management and language training.

Ms. Maryana Mykhats

Tel: (+34) 915 14 01 05 Ext. 15768

CEU Global Classroom


Ms. Beatriz Jiménez Luengo

Tel: (+34) 915 14 01 05 Ext. 15409

International coordinator by School

Law School

International Relations Academic Coordinator

Mr. James Patrick St Maur Mills Bradley

Moncloa Campus - Law School Tel: (+34) 91 456 84 07

International Relations Academic Coordinator

Mr. Alberto Hidalgo Cerezo

Moncloa Campus - Law School Tel: (+34) 91 514 04 00

School of Economics and Business

International Relations Academic Coordinator

Ms. Elizabeth Frank

Moncloa Campus - School of Economics Tel: (+34) 91 514 04 00 / ( +34) 91 456 63 00 Ext. 15408

International Relations Academic Coordinator

Ms. Gloria Aznar Fernández-Montesinos

Moncloa Campus - School of Economics Tel: (+34) 91 514 04 00 / ( +34) 91 456 63 00 Ext. 15481

International Relations Academic Coordinator

Ms. Sara Lorenzo Ros

Moncloa Campus - School of Economics Tel: (+34) 91 514 04 00 / ( +34) 91 456 63 00 Ext. 15276

Institute of Technology

International Relations Academic Coordinator

Ms. Cristina Sánchez López de Pablo

Montepríncipe Campus - Institute of Technology Tel: (+34) 913 72 40 00 Ext. 14969

International Relations Academic Coordinator

Ms. Rocío Santo-Tomás Muro

Montepríncipe Campus - Institute of Technology Tel: (+34) 913 72 40 00 Ext. 14871/14901

School of Pharmacy

International Relations Academic Coordinator

Ms. Esther Gramage Caro

Montepríncipe Campus - School of Pharmacy Tel: (+34) 913 72 47 00 Ext. 14843

International Relations Academic Coordinator

Ms. Fernanda Rey-Stolle Valcarce

Montepríncipe Campus - School of Pharmacy Tel: Tel: (+34) 913 72 40 00 Ext. 14769

International Relations Academic Coordinator

Ms. Paola Otero Gómez

Montepríncipe Campus - School of Pharmacy Tel: (+34) 913 72 40 00

School of Humanities and Communication Sciences

International Relations Academic Coordinator

Mr. Miguel Delgado Yoldi

Moncloa Campus - School of Humanities Tel: (+34) 91 514 04 00 / ( +34) 91 456 63 00 Ext. 14222

International Relations Academic Coordinator

Ms. Ángela Ávila Peiró

Moncloa Campus - School of Humanities Tel: (+34) 91 456 8407

International Relations Academic Coordinator

Ms. Cristina Jaramillo Sánchez

Moncloa Campus - School of Humanities Tel: (+34) 91 456 84 07 Ext. 14222/14289

School of Medicine

IPP ARCADIA Arcadia University Academic Coordinator

Mr. Aitor Martín-Pintado Zugasti

School of Medicine Tel: (+34) 91 372 47 00 Ext. 14693

International Relations Academic Coordinator

Ms. Ángeles López Martín

Montepríncipe Campus - School of Medicine Tel: (+34) 913 72 40 00 Ext. 14633

International Relations Academic Coordinator

Mr. Juan Antonio Ardura Rodríguez

Montepríncipe Campus - School of Medicine Tel: (+34) 913 72 40 00 Ext. 14675

International Bilingual, Online and Professional Programs Coordinators (IBP, IOP, IPP)

Mocloa Campus

IBP Fordham School of Law and IBP Boston Criminal Justice-Cybersecurity Academic Coordinator.

Ms. Natalia del Barrio Fernández

Law School Tel: (+34) 91 514 04 00

IPP UNITAR Academic Coordinator

Mr. Javier Porras Belarra

Law School

IBP Boston International Business Certificate Academic Coordinator

Mrs. María Cortejoso Lino

School of Business and Economics

IBP UCLA Extension Academic Coordinator

Ms. María Isabel Abradelo de Usera

Moncloa Campus - School of Humanities

Montepríncipe Campus

IBP Business of Biotechnology & Biomedical Engineering Academic Coordinator

Mr. Julio Sevillano Fernández

School of Pharmacy

IBP The University of Chicago Clinical Trials Management & Regulatory Compliance Coordinator

Ms. Irene Ortín Remón

School of Pharmacy

IBP Business of Biotechnology & Biomedical Engineering Academic Coordinator

Ms. Cristina Sánchez López de Pablo

Institute of Technology


Carmen García de Elías


Ms. Carmen García de Elías

Economics Department

Deputy Manager

Ms. Helena Fernández–Galiano Campos

Moncloa Campus Coordinator

Ms. Cristina Mackinlay Muñoz

Management Technical Support

D.ª Esther Delmarés Possé

Economics Department for Students

Coordinator of the Economics Department for Students

D.ª Ruben Hueli Monge

Accounting Department

Deputy Manager

Ms. Helena Fernández–Galiano Campos

General Services and Maintenance Department

Head of General Services and Maintenance Department

Laura de Andrés Martín

Head of Maintenance Service Montepríncipe Campus

Carlos Montes Redondo

Head of Maintenance Service Moncloa Campus

David Arca Ena

People's Department

Head of People's Department

José Luis Martínez Soria

Personnel Administration Coordinator

María del Mar Marugal Bartolomé

Marketing and Sales Department

Bachelor's Degree Manager

Camino García Ventoso

Product Manager Grado

Isabel Ortega Hernando

Resposable de Posgrado

Idoya García Anaut

Head of Brand Positioning

Belén Ibañez Masegosa

Ext. 15646


Ms. Marina Lewinsky


Ms. Marta García- Poggio

Responsable de Promoción

Laura Oviedo Espinosa

Policlínica Universitaria CEU San Pablo

Alicia Martínez González

Judith Cacho Herrero

University Ombudsperson

Mr. Andrés M.ª Gutiérrez Gómez

Permanent Commision


University Rector at Universidad CEU San Pablo

Vice-Rector for Teaching and Research

Vice-Rector for Institutional Relations and General Secretary

Vice-Rector for Digital Transformation

Vice-Rector for Students and University Life

Vice-Rector for Academic Programmes

Vice-Rector for Internationalisation

Vice-Rector for Teaching Staff


Dean of the School of Hummanities and Communication Sciences

Dean of the Law School

Dean of the School of Medicine

Director of the Institute of Technology (EPS)

Dean of the School of Economics and Business

Dean of the School of Pharmacy



Governing Council


University Rector at Universidad CEU San Pablo

Vice-Rector for Teaching and Research

Vice-Rector for Institutional Relations and General Secretary

Vice-Rector for Digital Transformation

Vice-Rector for Students and University Life

Vice-Rector for Academic Programmes

Vice-Rector for Internationalisation

Vice-Rector for Teaching Staff


Dean of the School of Hummanities and Communication Sciences

Dean of the Law School

Dean of the School of Medicine

Director of the Institute of Technology (EPS)

Dean of the School of Economics and Business

Dean of the School of Pharmacy




Director of The University Institute of European Studies

Departament Directors Representative

Director of the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising

Representantive of Department Directors of the Law School

Director of the Department of Basic Medical Sciences

Director of the Department of Information Technologies

Director of the Department of Business Economics

Advisory Council

President of the General Council of Spanish Official Associations of Pharmacists (Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Farmacéuticos)

Mr. Jesús Aguilar Santamaría

Spanish Ambassador in Italy and Former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation

Mr. Alfonso María Dastis Quecedo

President of FUJITSU in Spain, Portugal and Latin America - CEU Allumnus from the School of Economics

Ms. Ángeles Delgado López

President of Unidad Editorial

Mr. Antonio Fernández-Galiano Campos

Partner & CEO of Asterra Partners

Mr. Alberto Gallego

Jugde of the Supreme Court

Mr. Benito Gálvez Acosta

Investor Relations at Banco Santander

Dr. Sergio Gámez Martínez

President and CEO of LG Spain - CEU Alumnus of the Law School

Mr. Jaime de Jaraíz Lozano

Vice-President of the European Investment Bank- EIB

Ms. Emma Navarro Aguilera

Managing director of ILUNION

Mr. Alejandro Oñoro Medrano

Prosecutor, Former Mayor of Madrid, Former President of CAM, Former Minister of Justice. Ruiz-Gallardón Abogados law firm

Mr. Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón Jiménez

Former Mayor of La Coruña, Senator and president of the Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias. Former Spanish Ambassador to the Holy See.

Mr. Francisco Vázquez Vázquez

CEO of Generali España

Mr. A. Santiago Villa Ramos

International Advisory Board

Chairman. Former Vice-President for Client Strategy and Retention of UTI

Mr. Gene Ochi

Chairman of Geox Group

Mr. Mario Moretti

Senior Vice President and Deputy Chief Diversity Equity and Inclusion Officer, Hitachi Ltd

Mrs. Ana Vasquez Maya

CEO of Consultia Business Travel. Former Global & Strategy Director of Intel

Mr. José Carlos Martínez Sabater

Former Chairman of UTI Worldwide

Mr. Roger Macfarlane

Chair Professor of Social Psychology. Member of IDOAL and IVIE

Dr. José María Peiró

Executive Coach of Huete&co

Dr. Carlos Escario