Fundación Universitaria San Pablo CEU is the foundation established by Asociación Católica de Propagandistas (ACdP) with the goal of making positive changes in society through its educational centres, which offer a model based on a holistic understanding of the human person and work in the public arena in defence of justice and human beings.
The aims of the institution are rooted in its quest for academic and professional excellence, in the innovation of its educational projects and in its teachings on values and human virtues.
In order to attain the foundation's goals, the educational model in place in all its centres encourages students to seek truth and knowledge as well as to think critically whilst also fostering their commitment with and active participation in the public arena.
What makes the insitution stand out is the interdisciplinary nature of the education it provides, which is based on a holistic understanding of the human person, social diffusion, personalised care and the Roman Catholic Church's doctrine.
From an academic point of view, teaching at lower levels is based on avant-garde educational models, whilst at university level emphasis is placed on internationalisation and providng students with an education that truly prepares them for the job market.
Fundación CEU San Pablo offers more than 200 different qualifications at all educational levels.