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Logo Universidad CEU San Pablo
About us

Campus and facilities

Study at our beautiful campuses in Madrid

The University has two large campuses located in privileged areas of 
Madrid: Moncloa and Montepríncipe. Both allow you to study in a 
trend-setting and international environment, and have the most advanced 
facilities with the most complete services to carry out activities and practices: laboratories, research centres, computer rooms, etc.

In addition, located in the heart of Madrid, the University has a Polyclinic 
specialised in Dentistry, Physiotherapy, Psychology, Nutrition and Dietetics
Where real cases are treated, and students attend patients supervised by professors.

Visit the facilities where you are going to live your future university experience. Apply for a visit to the Moncloa or Montepríncipe campuses, where our advisors will guide you and answer all your questions.

Apply for your visit

Our Campuses

Moncloa Campus

23 Julián Romea St.
28003 Madrid

Fax: (+34) 91 536 06 60

How to get here

Buses: A1, B6, 178, 389, 16
Subway: L6 y L7
Train: C5 y C9

Schools at Moncloa Campus

Image gallery

  • Imagen Galería Campus Moncloa  1
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Montepríncipe Campus

Urbanización Montepríncipe.
28925 Alcorcón, Madrid

How to get here

Own bus service from USP CEU: daily departures from 2, Séneca Av. (Ciudad Universitaria) and from Plaza de Castilla.
Regular bus service (public transport): 571, 573, 574

Light train

Bus schedule (spanish)
Get to know Montepríncipe Campus (spanish)

Schools at Montepríncipe Campus

Image gallery

  • Imagen Galería Campus Montepríncipe 1
  • Imagen Galería Campus Montepríncipe 2
  • Imagen Galería Campus Montepríncipe 3
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Centres and Institutes

The university has the greatest infrastructures and the most advanced research centres available, so that students can acquire training and knowledge in multiple areas, to increase proficiency and qualification. It has more than 80 labs for teaching and research: the New Metabolomics and Bioanalysis Centre, MBEC (Nuevo Centro de Metabolómica y Bioanálisis,CEMBIO), the Agency (Agencia de comunicación), the producer CEU Media, and the Audiovisual Centre (Centro Audiovisual).

Comprised by:

  • Professional radio studios 
  • Television studios provided with Geevs technology 
  • Postproduction Rooms
  • Non-linear editing Rooms
  • Photography studio, digital and analogue labs
  • The Agency (Agencia de comunicación) is a real advertising agency for students 
  • CEU Media, a platform for audio-visual creation 
  • Latest technology recording equipment 

These services are available to all students from the School of Humanities and Communication Sciences, through a lending equipment service and a room booking service, provided to help with practical work, their Final Year Project ´TFG´ or personal projects.

It is an information resource centre on the European Union. Its part of the European network of information centres created by the European Commission. It aims to provide information and documentation concerning European integration to all members of the university community as well institutions and citizens.

This Service provides and organises language courses offered by the University. These courses are preparatory courses for the obtention of official certificates, specialised modern languages courses, training tiering seminars and language complementary courses in coordination with the Escuela Oficial de Idiomas (a Spanish centre for the certification of languages) and other international institutions. 

Each School has an Employment Guidance and Information Centre available, which is managed by a vocational guidance expert. These experts work to meet individual demands of students and alumni. Each EGIC cooperates with leading companies, law firms and institutions to enhance labour insertion. 

The university promotes research, which is one of the main principle of its project for the search of excellence and talent. Through Schools and institutes for the study of specific subject areas, the university is developing more than 78 research projects with external funding. 

The Research Results Transparency Office (RRTO), is the Vice-Rectorate for Research unit. It is in charge of promoting and managing relations between the University and the business environment in the areas of research and technological innovation. It works closely with the Unit for Research Management, UGI (Unidad de Gestión de la Investigación, UGI). 

The Institute for the Study of Democracy, ID (Instituto de Estudios de la Democracia, ID), is a multidisciplinary centre for research and graduate studies, associated with Universidad CEU San Pablo. Its activities are centered on the promotion of research and studies concerning political thinking, democracy, economy and the Rule of Law. 

The Institute for Family Studies of Universidad CEU San Pablo ( Instituto de Estudios de la familia de la Universidad CEU San Pablo), is a research, teaching and marriage and family counselling centre. It develops research programmes about marriage, family, life, teaching, family reconciliation and labour conciliation, fostering and adoption, the elderly and caretakers, family and media outlets and gender ideology. 

CEU Institute for Historical Studies (Instituto CEU de Estudios Históricos) is a meeting point for both, historians and history aficionados/fans with an interest for the search of the truth. It sees our past as the result of humankind´s freedom to write its own history.

The University Institute for European Studies (Instituto Universitario de Estudios Europeos), Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence, is a top research centre of Univerdad CEU San Pablo, specialised in the study and analysis of European integration and other aspects of international relations. Whilst it is mainly focused on research, teaching and dissemination, its qualifications are the cornerstone of its activities.

IAMM (IMMA) is a centre for the developing of specialised research, academic and technologic transfer activities from the School of Medicine and its associated hospitals, in areas related to Physiology, Pathology, Diagnostic and Human Disease Therapeutics, from a cellular, molecular and genetic perspective. 

In a world where there is an increasing need to obtain as much information from biological samples as possible the MBEC (CEMBIO) was created to search for the most exhaustive characterization which will allow the identification of altered processes and associated markers in different pathologies, as well as the evolution of the system in response to a treatment. 

CEU Ángel Ayala Institute for Humanities (Instituto de Humanidades CEU Ángel Ayala) is a Fundación Universitaria San Pablo CEU institution, created for the making and dissemination of humanistic thinking in faithfulness to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. It aims to be a reference to Spanish culture and a meeting point for dialogue and interchange of ideas for those who search for the truth. It mainly develops its activities in the humanities field, more specifically in the areas of History, Art, Philosophy and Thought, Literature, Church´s Social Doctrine and the humanistic side of natural Sciences. 

The main objective of the Research Centre for Communication Tendencies is to develop communication research projects, which will add value to the educational institution, business partners, the staff and society in general. 

The aim of the centre is to study, maintain and disseminate Spanish cultural and humanistic heritage. This is done from a heterogenous academic prespective, which includes research, teaching, knowedge transfer, cultural management and archeological surveys.

University Services

University Services help and assist students to make the most out of their studies and training. Students have skilled professionals and activity programmes to their disposal. These are designed for the acquisition of skills and abilities, which will benefit their careers.


Alongside teaching CEU San Pablo offers its students the possibility of participating in a range of different activity programs related to the world of culture: theater, music, films, an introduction to Opera, debate forums, personal creativity contests and many more. Our offer will enrich your experience as well as complement your academic life, while you have fun and make your time at the University unforgettable.


The Moncloa campus has three reprographics centres, which offer students printing, binding, and document copying services, with extensive opening hours to facilitate work within the University facilities, in order to optimize study time.


The University has wifi service in 60% of its installations, as well as over four thousand computers available to the students and professors, in addition to computer rooms looked after by specialized personnel. Furthermore, it also counts with three IT portals to manage all teaching and tutoring aspects, the follow up and reinforcement of the student’s formation, and to handle all the necessary academic arrangements.


Our Psychological Support Service offers help and guidance free of charge to the students of CEU San Pablo. You should ask for an appointment if you are experiencing situations that you feel are difficult to cope with on your own. When you are going through a situation that is causing you problems or discomfort in your daily life.When you are feeling bad and you cannot find the source of your discomfort or suffering.When you are facing problems that are not being resolved with the passing of time.When something goes wrong with your studies, and you do not know what it is or how to deal with it.You are welcome to talk to us about personal issues (anxiety, fears, difficulty to adapt, etc.), relationship issues (family, friends, colleagues, partners, etc.) academic issues (concentration, exam anxiety, habits and techniques, etc.), degree-realted issues (dissatisfaction with your degree choice, etc.) or any other issue you may want to talk about. We will, through confidential conversations, help you understand what is happening to you and how you can overcome it.


The University Guidance Service (Servicio de Promoción Universitaria) offers guidance to baccalaureate students and teachers through activities and proposals designed to support educational work. Some of these include; seminars and school conferences, guided tours at the university (with the prospect of doing an internship) or university counselling meetings.


From the moment they enter the University, each student is assigned a tutor professor, with the aim of guiding them in their studies, advising them on how to complete their assignments, advising them on the choice of optional subjects and, in general, monitoring their academic progress with the utmost respect for their personality and freedom.


The main objective of the Vice-Rectorate for Internationalisation is to improve Universidad CEU San Pablo´s educational project, which promotes the exchange of students, professors and staff to top international universities. Its aims are to promote training activities, academic specialisation and to offer students the opportunity of a placement abroad. 

Other Facilities

The university offers students the possibility of living university life to the fullest. That is why, there are two campuses provided with the best infrastructures and areas. On these, there are facilities available to develop educational, cultural and sports activities, thus offering students a 360º education.